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Set yourself 3 targets for 2016! :)


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Seeing how it’s reaching the end of 2015, I thought it would be a nice idea to designate an area to share your targets for 2016. With the help of the community, hopefully your dreams will become reality.

My targets are:

  1. Stop smoking
  2. Learn Python (programing language)
  3. Become level 2 seller

Stop Smoking
I have been smoking now for about 10 years now and obviously that has had a bad effect on my health and money. If anyone else on here wants to quit smoking too, let me know as we can do it together.

Learn Python
I have wanted to learn how to program for a while, I have tried C++ and other languages, but have never really got into it. Now I have a Raspberry PI there are quite a few projects that I would like to do.

Become level 2 seller
When I started Fiverr I never really expected to become a level 1 seller. In fact, I really didn’t know what to expect from this website. At the end of 2016 I would like to see myself as a Level 2 seller.

I put this one last because I don’t tend to get a lot of orders, but instead get large orders. Therefore, there is not much of a chance of me getting 50 orders in a month. This still shouldn’t and doesn’t stop me from trying though!

  1. I don't know what Fiverr support look for when awarding Top Rated Seller status. Looking at your profile though, if your service is anywhere near the quality of you gig descriptions I don't think it's out of reach.
  2. What mini project were you thinking of?
  3. I like this one, I think this should be every Fiverr sellers goal for 2016.

Actually, everyone in the world should take on that 3rd target.


Thanks for the support 🙂

i didn’t think about it yet, but i guess it would be something i like maybe gather some experienced people in my area and ake a little company about interne services and cover everything within and try to expand it ( we don’t have these kind of things here in my country so i thought it might be a good idea dont’ know…)

and yeah i think everybody should take on that 3rd one 🙂

thanks 🙂


I’m looking to learn Python myself.


  1. Pay off lingering bills [i.e. Student Loan]
  2. Improve writing and drawing skills
  3. Become a better marketer

There are other things but these top the list.


My targets are:

  1. Learn more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  2. Top Rated Seller Badge
  3. Stop watching YouTube prank videos, I spend like 5-6 hours daily on these crap videos 🙂

That’s good, it’s supposed to be a good place to learn in programming. Apparently it’s easier than C++, C# or any other language. It can also be used to create Windows, Mac or Linux applications.

  1. Always a good start, hopefully Fiverr will help you in getting the funds.
  2. I can't even draw the curtains! :D You ought to look on Youtube, you get many free courses on there. I found the below, which I'm not sure where will help, but it's a start at least. :)

  3. I've been getting slowly better at marketting my Fiverr Gigs as the year goes on. Best thing to do is search on the Fiverr Forum, there is loads of advice on there that may be of use.

I found a good, free guide on Youtube that I found helped a lot. It's created by a SEO expert who wanted to share his skills. It really shows you how much Search Engine Optimisation is worth.


I wish you luck in achieving Top rated seller. :)

Wow, how the hell do you get any work done? :P


What do you normally draw/paint? i.e. Landscapes or portraits

That would be nice, that's one of the reasons I originally started on Fiverr. You've performed the first steps to suceed at this at least, just keep your head up and deliver great work and hopefully you'll suceed.

Driving is always a good skill to have, it definately gives you more options.

  1. Good luck in gaining Top Rated seller status, I don't know what they look for when it comes to this.
  2. I assume you mean 10,000 sales, is that correct?
  3. I found it's best browsing the forums for things like this. You could also search on Google for Small Business tips.

I wouldn’t have added my first gig if it wasn’t for the Fiverr forums.


No worries, I have taken so much from the Forum. I thought I would give something back for once. Even if it’s just something small.

I wouldn’t have even added a gig onto Fiverr if it wasn’t for support on the forum.

Sounds like a good plan, when you say “Internet services”, do you mean Internet Sevice Provider or web hosting company?

It would definately make the world a whole lot better if people treat people how they would like to be treated themselves.


My Goals For 2016

  1. Gotten to be top of the line vender on fiverr

  2. Spend some cash each month on helping destitute individuals

  3. Give best work to my customers 🙂


Spending more time on these does improve ones skill. Which is probably why my skills have suffered since I don’t participate as often.


Uh…I might be able to accomplish this in the early or mid point of the up coming year.


I generally do a lot of random sketching, still life type stuff, and portraits.
And I’m taking my first driving lesson in a while this week. 🙂


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