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How many other people are there out there who genuinely love what they do?


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Hello all, I have recently set up on Fiverr and had a few orders so far, and my favourite thing about this platform is simply the fact I love doing the work asked of me.

I wonder how many people are out there also genuinely love the service they provide?

I am imagine many people do not, and see it as a job more than a hobby.

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The reason why I started doing Fiverr was simply because I enjoy drawing, translating,
and do crafty stuff, so yes, I love what I do.
Sometimes I will get a fun order, the other day I was asked to draw someone in a Jedi master
outfit, and being a nerd I was thrilled to get that order, so while I was sitting in front of my PC
with my coffee and cookies, drawing a Jedi dude, I was telling myself dang, life is good.

Having that said though, I don’t enjoy all the orders, just like emmaki said.
Some gigs become a nightmare, or in other cases the gigs itself are fine but the
buyers are just complete idiots who can’t read or think.
Do I enjoy every single moment I experience here at Fiverr? Heck no.
Do I love what I do? Heck yeah.

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I find it useful at my stage to experiment with gigs and services. I’ve been surprised by that more than once. When I started, I put up gigs that I was good at and that I thought I would love doing. It turned out that some of my first ones were only fun to me when I wasn’t on a deadline. So, I stopped doing those on Fiverr and tried some new gigs.

By experimentation, I love much of what I do. I’m still refining to love it more. What I love the most, though, is not having to answer to a boss to earn some money. I love working wherever I want, wearing comfortable clothes, playing with new services and getting better at others, and having the freedom to say no if it is necessary. So, overall, I would answer yes to your question.

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