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Easiest way to get your first order


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Posts have been removed from this thread because they were spam. If users continue to put links to their gigs in this thread, the thread will be moved.

Edited 12/23: More links were just removed. If the new users like this thread, stop spamming it. The next one will cause this thread to be moved to Improve my Gig where links are allowed.

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there’s nothing wrong about the thread, only posts should be removed if they are irrelevant.

The warning is here to discourage spam. It takes too much time to continually remove these. The thread will be of benefit in other categories as well, but the thread needs to be closed or removed if users are not reading far enough to know to stop spamming.

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I got your point @emmaki that what you are trying to say the people. We all using internet, Social media. and why we here only for money … and if you have talent to make money from your skills then surely you will get your revenue. and if you are talented then do you think you guys need any guidelines just for basic setup of your account. i don’t think so sorry guys. CHEERS!!!

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But keep in mind that not everyone can approach logo design or creative writing. These are not things you just say you will do and become the best at them in 2 days. It takes hard work and a lot of time and dedication. Everyone should find something they are good at not just make a gig and then have bad reputation because their work sucks.

Please, find something you actually are talented at. I agree with Emmaki here.

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The ego is easily offended. Jung is a pretty interesting thinker on this subject.

Narrow-minded thinking isn’t often thought of for what it really is: a lack of education or knowledge on the particular subject that a person is being criticized for as “narrow minded”. Is ignorance (in the non-pejorative sense: a caveman ignorant of fire isn’t stupid: he just hasn’t discovered fire and delicious cooked meals yet) really narrow-minded? Is offense borne of that ignorance and disagreement narrow-minded?

I don’t like your tips, because I think they’re not terribly useful. Others might find them useful. You can say that this makes me and others who disagree or have different ideas narrow-minded, but the reality is that you’re revealing your own ignorance. Plus, if you can keep tabs on your ego (difficult for everyone!), it makes life a lot easier.

“set up a profile” is not a tip. It is a basic beginning step. Plus, useless: anyone posting here has already done that. What you could have done is started a free WordPress blog in your native language with a step-by-step guide for people to set up a Fiverr profile, a list of ‘don’t do this’ and all kinds of resources like that.

You’re just not quite getting it, and it’s frustrating to see it repeated over and over again.

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@emmaki I seriously can get your point, I already have told @anamariaedan that she was right. but it doesn’t make any sense that you are repeating things over and over and getting frustrated for no reason, sit back and relax and let the new sellers follow them. I really don’t understand this. why are you trying to control world with your own way? i didn’t ask you to follow what I wrote. 😕

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Honestly, I am not sure you’d be able to effectively manage a Fivver business with a tablet. (Note the word effectively.) If it’s a hobby, no problem with giving it a shot. For serious business, I would sell a pretty tablet and get a functional workhorse, or save up for a used PC or Mac.

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