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Sales down after promotion, anyone else with same issue?


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I had many expectations from fiverr, all ruined.

I used to earn more when I was a new seller, when promoted to 1st level, earned even more and very happy that fiverr will help me to bear my expenses.

In about 2 months I was promoted to level 2 seller and sales gone down and even to 0.

Updated my gigs, added new gigs, tried to do something creative as fiverr asks for creativity. Kept on adding and deleting gigs again and again in the search of orders on the base of my creativity.

People does visit my gig but no messages or orders.

Does anyone else falling in the same category as mine.

If any suggetions in regard to this. ?

All suggestions are welcome, No offences as their are many more experienced people live here.



Try reading this, it might give you an idea and help you deal with the situation.
It’s something we ALL go through.
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Sales suddenly went down? It happens. It happens, it happens! *edited*

Pardon me for repeating "It happens" many times in the title, but it does. Along with the "I'm not getting any sales, help" thread, the "I haven't received any orders for the past so-and-so days, help" post is another one we see a lot here on...

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 1 ❤


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