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Paypal conversion from usd to INR


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That’s the fees anyone will take for the currency conversion. It’s not ‘free’.
Try switching to payoneer. It offers better exchange rate and doesn’t take withdrawal fees from Indian users except for the conversion which is still better than paypal.

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Hi kay2809

But I read in forum that paypal is much better for indian users than payoneer.

see this

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

What is the best way to withdraw money for indian sellers?

I had withdrawn some money using payoneer 2 days back and it charged me 8$ for the transfer of money to my local bank . How much does paypal charge ? , if i create my account at paypal to transfer my money to my bank , is it costlier or cheaper ?...

Reading time: 1 mins ? Likes: 2 ❤

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