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Let's Make this 8 Year-Old Girl's Wish Come True!


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Safyre Terry is an 8-year-old who wants enough Christmas cards to fill her aunt’s Christmas tree.

In 2013, Safyre was involved in an arson fire that killed her father, 3-year-old sister, 2-year-old brother, and 11-month-old half-brother. She was found near her father, whose body shielded her from the flames and saved her life. She suffered severe burns on 75% of her body.

Her Christmas wish is to fill her card tree with cards from all across the world. I strongly encourage anyone to participate or even just help spread the word around.

If we get together as a community, and each send her a Holiday greeting, we could make her wish come true.

If you don’t want to deal with the shipping, order your cards and send them to community@fiverr.com, we’ll have them printed and sent to Safyre’s home.

favicon-32x32.png?v=m2Pmw8zNwlMashable – 9 Dec 15

8-year-old burn victim just wants holiday cards for Christmas this year

A little girl who was involved in a deadly arson fire just wants to fill her aunt's tree with Christmas cards this holiday.

Guest ramjanulhaque

My Comment was removed because I was spamming


Seriously? I tend to get pretty upset/annoyed when I see spam messages, but
ramjanulhaque, your spam actually made me cringe.
This post is for a little girl who just wants Christmas cards, not spammers.

Guest ehtesham888

Allah will listen you, and definitely you will get a card from me, your Christmas tree will be full of cards.

Guest msdotstudio


This is for Safyre Terry. " hello dear, this year santa will surprise you with the greatest gift of your life", My wishes



A donation method would be greatly appreciated. Fiverr is the only place where I would donate 5$ for this girl, as long as the result will be the same.


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