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Western Union as another alternate options for cash withdrawals


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I am one those Fiverr user(https://www.fiverr.com/users/junoon1252) who want to add another alternate payment method for cash withdrawals and that is Western Union.

Western Union is available almost in every part of the world. People are using this method to send and receive money from one part of the world to another. Even Google adsense have this option for their marketers and affiliate members then why not Fiverr?

Paypal and Payoneer are good choice but for most of us this is one and only option hardly available in their region. Also there are so complication, limitation and deduction in cash withdrawals through Payoneer and Paypal. $5 – $10 is a normal hidden deduction for every transaction you made through these debit cards. If you just insert in or out they will deduct some amount, if you check your balance or type the amount which is not available they will deduct some amount, after some cash lost deduction attempts you will again notice they will again deduct some amount in currency exchange rate.

If a person earn $100 , 20% is taken by Fiverr, again $1-$3 deducted if you choose Payoneer and then at the end Payoneer again deduct some handsome amount for each transaction you made through your local banks ATM.

According to my experience for every $100 you get an average amount of

$100 – $20 – $10 = $70

If something happen wrong then at the end you may be get $60-70 only for every $100 you earned on FIVERR.

I have also seen videos on youtube and online community members on facebook and other social media site and found another network of ex-changers. Who buys your Fiverr cash instantly and transfer direct amount to your bank account. But i am totally against this method and not in favor of this because this totally unsafe and you will get also less amount of the total you earned. I have read the posts of many people who lost their money through this method as some of them trapped by frauds and scammers.

Why dont Fiverr take a step ahead for the welfare of the members who are suffering hard to get their full share?

So it is my request/appeal and request from all those members on Fiverr who want Western Union as an alternate payment option.

Make such kind of safe method through Western Union that a user get a code through SMS on mobile as well as on email for secure transaction.

Please like and post your comment as much as you can to raise this matter. Your suggestions and advises will be appreciated.


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