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Is there a way when buyer order multiple gigs, the timer increase as ordered gig


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Hi fiverr…

is there a way when buyer order multiple gigs, the timer increase itself?

say i have express gigs that deliver for 1 to 24h, but when buyer purchase my gigs multiple in one order (ex. 30 item = 30 gigs) the counter time remains unchanged as i set my gigs deliver in one day.

i think it will be helpful if the gigs can set by myself, ex. if buyer buy my service 5 gigs the day will increase by two day.

i often had a late order because the timer just one day.
so i work for 18h a day for making it complete 😦

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Tha’s a problem that does not have a solution but to discuss with your buyers, like if he orders multiple gigs you deliver the first one within the 24 h and deliver others when finished, but you have to tell the buyer about it first, tell him that 24 h is just for 1 gig and that you can’t do them all in 24h so it’s gnna take a little bit more than that.

you can also write it in the gig description, that multiple orders might take more than 24 h

Good luck

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That is a difficult one to deal with. It is the main reason I don’t offer a 24 hour service. It can also be an issue if you get a number of orders in one day from different people but you can only complete one or two gigs per day.
It is very attractive to offer a 24 hour service as it is one of the options available to buyers in the filters, however, it can put you under pressure sometimes. I suggest that you either move to 2 days delivery with the option of express delivery for an extra fee. If you still get people ordering the express delivery, at least you will be getting paid “overtime” for the times you have to work longer hours.

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