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Buyer, plz read all the description carefully b4 placing order!


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As a graphic designer in Infographic gig and other gig in graphic designer. I need my buyer contact me b4 placing order to let me know their idea and i’ll give them price after it.

Although i repeat the word “inbox me b4 placing order” 3 times in my note descitption but i stll got plenty of order 5$ with the work of 30$ and i go straingt forward to give them the price or cancel that order. I got ~ 5-8 order like this in 1 month, and some of them just don’t care the order exits or not. It affect my cancel rate in the gig too much.

Just want to ask you guys that buyers do read all the desciption with new seller they met or just placing order in blind mode?


I totally get you. I’ve had to cancel orders because they did not really read the gig, and ordered way to little. It effects our ratings, and that’s not fun. We work hard to provide you the information up front. Please take the time to read it. We both don’t want to be disappointed. Thanks, and may your experience on Fiverr be awesome!


I tried to make my desctiption as short as possible to let them have quick read to get all infogmation needed, but seem they just want 5$ job for 20 30$ work.

But i have to say some buyer is new to fiverr and when i give price, they happy to paid and we are good friend after that. it cool.


I had a buyer who wanted something that required a gig extra on top of the base gig. Whatever, I sent him the balance to accept with an explanation. They declined it, I did the base gig and now I wonder if they’ll be ANGRY because I didn’t do the work they wanted.

Any bad review left will be deleted–because I’ve already covered my base. If sellers don’t listen, won’t cancel or pay more, they’ll get what I give them that fits with my gig description and fulfills my end of the bargain as described in ToS. Don’t like it? Tough t*tties.

You should do this with all sellers who pull the blind scam, and honor a cancellation if that’s requested. More effective than a forum post! And these kind of buyers might learn to use their reading skills a bit more 🙂


This is minor, but since you want to be treated like a professional I’m going to mention it. Write in full words and as much as possible, full sentences. If you owned a brick and mortar business that relied on customers who spoke English, or if you worked in a job that relied on the same, you would be at a disadvantage. No offense intended at all.

Instead of asking people to plz read b4 - say Please read the entire description carefully before placing an order. Take care about writing things like “descitption” instead of “description” which is easily caught by the spell-check. Honestly, it just looks better to a potential buyer unless they are very young. This might change over time, but in the professional world it hasn’t yet.

I do understand as well that Fiverr has character limitations on gig descriptions and sometimes that requires shortcuts. I’m not saying you can avoid that. I also have to write & instead of “and.” In the Tips for Buyers forum, though, there are fewer restrictions. Write like a pro. It’s not an ESL issue, it just takes a little more effort. I see so much of this now, and then I look at sellers who are Top Rated. Not all of them follow the advice I am writing here and I understand that too. Many of them do write as well and coherently as they can. It seems to help! When I read a seller description or forum post with a lot of text-speak or excessive errors, I just move on before buying. Others might do the same.


Just like anyone else, buyers get excited when they order and may not read the complete description.

Rather than say “inbox me b4 placing order”

Try this: “Kindly Send Me A Message Before Ordering So We Can Discuss Details”

Maybe put that all bold caps so it stands out.

Help the buyer to understand, hold by the hand when you communicate. This is what they want.

Guest cmsdesigner

As a fiverr seller it is also important to follow some above techniques.


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