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Gig Banners!


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Hello I’m a new seller here on Fiverr, Hello to all of my fellow creatives!

Ok so, I made this post because I wanted to give an idea of mine to the fiverr community in hope of support on the idea.

-I think it would be a nice thing to have a choice in whether to choose our gig banners or even upload custom banners. It would give each profile a chance to show their works all in one area , and also make your profile a bit more personal. The last point is that I honestly think it would open up another market for the community to monetize on.

Just let me know what you think and check out my gigs while you’re, much love and thanks for the time.

My gigs:

  1. https://www.fiverr.com/dwntwncreative/edit-your-youtube-commentary-video


3)More gigs in my profile! https://www.fiverr.com/dwntwncreative

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