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What happened to the Buyer Request search box?


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What happened to the Buyer Request search box?

It’s no longer there! It was great at helping target specific buyer requests with specific gigs that you have.

Is there another thread somewhere about this?

Murray / Creativeman


It seems to be coming and going for me. My number of offers doesn’t show up all the time either. Try a CTRL and F5, it shows up then for me but then doesn’t a little later! Maybe they are working on it.

Guest design_h

ya.I notice that.may be fiverr team develop this section.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same problem, it was only there when the page was refreshing. I managed to type Etsy (my main key word) before it disappeared again, that wad very tiring :). Thankfully it is bac kand working fine now.


It seems to be working for me now.

Have you guys seen my contest here:
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Cutting Edge Technology for Facebook Marketing

Check out my brand new gig here. This is cutting edge technology. Attract likes to your Fan Page like bees to honey! Display Interactive Images on your Website, in Facebook tabs or even directly in the FB Timeline. Traditionally FB timeline ads...

It’s only for the next 48 hours.


Hm. You put that in the right category (My Fiverr Gigs) but now you’re spamming the wrong forum area anyway with a brief comment and “look at my link guys!”.

That said, neat gig. Wouldn’t you have better luck spamming an internet marketer forum though? Since your demo market will all be hanging out there and not here in the main.

If you’re going to spam, do it the right way! I’ll give you 50% for trying a new method that doesn’t involve straight up begging, though.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


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