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Gig Packages - What price should you set?


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I believe this is a fantastic package, as it will alleviate the pain of buyers who order without reading thoroughly through the GIG extras or small details in the body.

We have implemented this in our profile and it has reaped tremendous rewards. One thing to note, however, is that the rank your gig profile may be on the category page may dip a little. I presume this will eventually climb again after maximizing on sales, as well as reviews.



God news for Top rated seller bad quiet bad for beginners 😦

Because Some buyers prefer to buy gigs from new section to get the offer in low price and if the beginners do the same on applying this feature then might be they wouldn’t get offers and on other hand if a top rated or level 2 seller apply and manage this feature then its a great step to do as they would get quality buyers with no revision issues and would pay more.

What would you like to say ?
Is it good or bad news for beginners?


Before packages the system was already kind of like this for new sellers compared for TRS. As an example, TRS (even level 2, 1 etc) have different maximums they can charge for extras, as well as different quantities they can offer (a TRS can offer up to 20).

To me, this makes complete sense and it creates a progression for sellers. Yes, TRS can offer higher prices and have lots of reviews to back up a new higher lead-in price for their package but you need to remember/consider that these sellers have earned that, they have been selling for years and reaped that benefit. They didn’t start out with that ‘advantage’ and it’s someth9ing they have progressed to from themselves being a new seller.

So, you ask how does a new seller compete? Simple, they concentrate on what they want to offer and break it down into the most affordable option until they ramp the reviews up and start the progression.

Let’s look at voiceovers as an example. A TRS may have a $40 package including 100 words, HD quality, music sampling. Why not, as a new seller, offer a $5 option with just 100 words? You would have a low price point to get buyers onto your page and then (once you have their attention), you can offer the higher quality and music sampling as extras outside of your minimum package.


This topic is more advanced regarding a feature that is not even fully utilized on Fiverr yet. As a new Fiverr member with no gigs, I would suggest you start here:


Once you get a gig or two going, try this:

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Before you post "How can I get sales? Please help!" Try reading this first. It...

Admin Note: Thread closed at request of post author but will remain available for reading. All sellers are strongly encouraged to read and use the tips within! ? I am aware that many new sellers post "I can't get sales, please help" almost...

Reading time: 11 mins ? Likes: 9 ❤

There are many other topics in the Tips for Sellers and Fiverr FAQ forums that might also be of use to you.


Interesting post, am not a Top Rated seller but am very good with all my jobs. I know the power of Negotiation its only for the people that has good rating and feedback so new Sellers be aware.



The good news: The week after setting up my package Gig for Wordpress, I’ve had several people contact me about gigs under my new Fiverr package for Wordpress sites. Yay! 🙂

The bad news: These prospects have all abandoned the purchase process. 😦 I don’t have proper feedback yet from these potential clients to make a full conclusion, but my guess is that they have all abandoned it because they perceive the Fiverr brand to be exactly that…get what you need for $5 (or at least around $20-$40 with extras).

The problem is that as a seller I can’t make a mutually beneficial package for Wordpress that includes enough hours to get the job done and at an acceptable degree of quality. A good, basic Wordpress site costs, at least, $100 with content added in, plugins enabled and set up, and theme applied with layout customizations. That’s about 3 hours of work at $35/hr, which is about the going rate from what I’m seeing on other sites like Upwork, where I also have a presence (and get more work than on Fiverr). That’s just the amount of effort it takes to get a basic gig done. $5 doesn’t even begin to cover my costs.

Yeah, I get it. It’s Fiverr. People do $5 gigs all the time so they can build their ratings and hopefully get more work. They work at cut rates hoping to make it up in volume for tasks that take a small amount of time. Perhaps I’m just not Fiverr’s target market for contractors and maybe I’m on the wrong site if I want to make a decent living.

But it seems to me that if Fiverr is going to do the package thing, it needs to do a better job of communicating to potential customers that these package Gigs tend to be more expensive and, therefore, are a premium service. Maybe split off the packaging part of Fiverr and call it Fiverr Premium or something else that heavily emphasizes that these are not the super cheap Gigs people are used to, but that they also provide more value than those cheap Gigs.


Yes. It isn’t even offered on all gigs, but for the ones it is offered on, you can turn the feature “on” on only one gig as a test case if you like. If you don’t like it, there may not be an obvious way to turn the package feature “off” but there is an easy solution.

If the gig has no sales at all (or few) and you don’t mind deleting it, you can delete it and start again without packages. As another option, you can just delete two of the three available packages, make the single one left as a $5 gig with normal extras, and it looks pretty much like a standard $5 gig. If you browse around you’ll see a variety of ways people have utilized this.


Great original post - thank you!

I started my ‘main’ gig about 18 months ago and it was close on 3500 orders at the point the gig packages were introduced so I was anxious whether I should change something that wasn’t broken…

… I did so two weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier!

My average gig has gone from $13 to around $80 and although I’m getting about half the amount of orders, it makes perfect sense! Half the orders for quadruple the amount of money? - yes please!

So thank you Fiverr for making such a great change!


Hi there!

Is it possible to try and make a lower lead-in price? Often buyers like to ‘test’ a seller first to minimise risk. You might find if you offered a package of like $10 to just install WordPress, they would then come back happy and more confident to place higher orders having successfully used your services previously.

There may be other sellers who still keep the $5 pricing and are cheaper but you often can’t put value on a trustworthy previous relationship. That’s why you see many companies pay prices which aren’t often the lowest, as the performing party has proven their trust and worth to maintain that customer for ‘life’.


I’m new here as seller and i don’t know much about fiverr but still i think as long as you deliver assignments on time, take it seriously even for lowest amount, perform skillfully and also just negotiate with your clients properly and offer them reasonable base amount. Seller’s earn more or less depends on buyer’s need. Urgent work give you extra bucks because buyer’s wouldn’t mind about cost in urgency. If you offer them good service and make them happy then they’ll surely order you again and give postive feedback.


yes twisted is right. Looks like what I read also. I’de love for it to come to the video section. That should be high on the list of “next categories”


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