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Important Tip For Buyers - Respond On Time


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Hi All,

Its important that buyers respond on given time when a GIG is Ordered, let say a delivery time is 3 days the buyer respond on the first day and Swoosh!! GONE on remaining two days, then buyer comes back on the 4th or the 5th day some may even come after one WEEK!! demands changes or modifications… but on the seller perspective they need to deliver on time YES! ON TIME! if the buyer dont repsond thats really frustrating for a seller. and are forced to Mark the order delivered because there is a HUGE Countdown timer and when the delivery time and date is passed there is a another HUGE RED Notification displayed to the FACE of the seller saying LATE. and effects the seller profile delivery time.
So whether you pay $5 or $500 you are allocated a time to communicate and get the final product done.

Buyers need to understand that this may not be your business but fiverr is some other persons earning spot! so time is money for both parties.

If buyers are busy update the seller and i think fiverr needs to give the seller to adjust the delivery date manually for each sale maximum not more than one week. or send reminders to the buyers every 6 hours

this is the story happening on the other side of seat…


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