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What Happened To The Breast Cancer Charity Drive of October?


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You might remember that Fiverr this past October had a “Fiverr Angels” drive for charity. The link doesn’t work anymore–you will be redirected to the home page, but here it is anyway: https://www.fiverr.com/fiverrdonates.

Don’t know what I’m talking about, or need a refresher? Here’s a fugly Google cache with the details from the horse’s mouth: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3L9vx3wx7MkJ:https://www.fiverr.com/fiverrdonates+&cd=5&hl=el&ct=clnk&gl=gr

So I just have some questions that some of you might be able to answer:

a) have any of you who donated $20+ received a t-shirt, or had updates about it?
b) those of you who had a badge–do you still have the badge, or has it gone?
c) has anyone had a note about how much was raised, or indeed any notification since the page was retired?
d) did anyone complaining about their “upgraded” donations (e.g. “I thought I donated $5, but actually donated $20”) get a follow-up to their upgrade?
e) last year’s winner got an iPhone. This years winner gets a FitBit.
f) How much did donators rise for the drive, and did Fiverr stand by the pledge to match it, dollar for dollar?

If you don’t know/don’t care, then I’ll wish you a Happy Bonfire Night as I will to all UK people! To the rest of the world, you know the anon mask? That’s our Guy Fawkes, that is. He tried to blow up King James I by blowing up the British Houses of Parliament many centuries ago but was foiled on November 5th. To this day, we burn a “guy”, have fireworks and enjoy standing in cold fields in the dark with tepid fast food in our chilled hands (or risk getting singed hair standing too close to the bonfire, in my case).

Either way, I’d like to know what’s going on with this charidee drive. So if you donated, I want to hear your story! If you don’t have one and aren’t British, a story about weird national celebrations in your country will do me just fine.

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All right, let’s see. I’m starting backwards with weird celebrations. I’ve always thought GroundHog Day was pretty weird. Though, it’s not my favorite of the weird. April Fool’s is my favorite although I learned to be more careful after
causing a head injury with blood in the dorm showerhead when I was 18.

Happy Bonfire Night!

a) have any of you who donated $20+ received a t-shirt, or had updates about it?

I did donate and have not received anything or any message to confirm or ask my mailing address. Still hoping, cause although I am a melon fan I also did it for the t-shirt and the badge. (Update) Got it.

b) those of you who had a badge–do you still have the badge, or has it gone?

I got the badge, it’s gone.

c) has anyone had a note about how much was raised, or indeed any notification since the page was retired?

I haven’t seen anything to do with this. (Update) Read and then forgot some related announcement.

d) did anyone complaining about their “upgraded” donations (e.g. “I thought I donated $5, but actually donated $20″) get a follow-up to their upgrade?

I haven’t seen anything like this on the forum or elsewhere. I have been away for family issues more recently, though. Plus, complaints about all sorts of things have made me a bit less inclined to visit for moderation purposes as I’m tired of reading them. On the other hand, I’m not thrilled with the results of this promotion either, so I’m into the conversation.

e) last year’s winner got an iPhone. This years winner gets a FitBit.

This doesn’t exactly like a question (and by “E” I forgot if these were all questions) but I would rather have a FitBit than an Apple product. This is also a bold assertion that I should win. I NEED a FitBit. And I watch the Amazing Race, which also promotes them,which is a double whammy.

f) How much did donators rise for the drive, and did Fiverr stand by the pledge to match it, dollar for dollar? Not a clue.

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A few people moaned about going to donate $5 but ending up donating $20 (mind you, that’s where the sliding donation bar was set), but I can’t blame you for getting burnt out moderating this place, especially if you have family issues. I guess e) wasn’t a question, but I just wanted to have a dig so there’s that.

Why aren’t you thrilled with the results of this promo? Here’s a link to one of those moans. WARNING: features me being opinionated http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/how-to-cancel-paying-for-the-breast-cancer-donation-2/

I do think anyone who donated should have received a follow-up even if they donated less than $20 just to pump them up for supporting the cause. Given that (see link) those who donated more than $20 apparently didn’t either, I wonder.

Fiverr’s Facebook page was quite eager to mention the drive 2 times (28th, 30th Oct) prior to closure, too. Not a peep since. Given that this is money collected electronically, it shouldn’t be too hard to say “we raised $blah!” followed up with “fonthaunt is the new lucky owner of a swanky fitbit #swag!”

Well, someone should be… you deserve a fitbit for your mod efforts anyway!

All in all, I’ll stick by what I said in the link above. But I am genuinely interested in other user’s experience. The badge should have stayed, at least. It’s not like it costs anything to maintain once it’s coded… tchah.

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UPDATE: Fiverr has started a new fundraiser. http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/fiverrs-movember-fundrazor/

No mention of Boob Cancer Month, no congratulations to prize winners, no thanks to people taking part…

…well, I made my point on that thread. I will be raising my point should this turn out to be more of the same come December. What will that bring? “Dress up like Santa to win a…er…PRIZE! And donate to…er… THINGS!”

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Hi everyone!! I was wondering the same, and just right now fiverr has sent me an email asking me to fill a form so that they can send me the tshirt. My only doubt is: it doesn’t matter if I don’t live in the US? Because Im from Venezuela so I don’t know if they are going to send me the tshirt anyway.

Have a great weekend!

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Fill in the form! At best you’ll get a Fiverr t-shirt, at worst, you waste a few minutes. Medium, you may have to pay extra for shipping.

There was an update on the stickied Movember post saying that there would be an update coming soon.I guess this thread is now done. Would like to see a t-shirt and model from someone though!

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I did also just get my email about the t-shirt. I think they will send them anywhere, just be prepared for a looonnnggg wait. I’m pleased that they did follow up. I agree with emmaki that the badge should have stayed at least
longer. Maybe not forever (they want us to pony up for more badges later!) but a few days was kind of annoying. The only reason I wasn’t thrilled with the outcome was my general desire to gripe about something.

Now I’m waiting for my email that I won the Fit BIt. 😉 Thanks for the kudos on moderation. I get whiny, especially reading complaints but still being wanted to fix the spam. Then again, the complaints really aren’t directed at me, I just wish I had the tools to fix everything!

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