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Things a web designer shouldn't do on fiverr.com


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Admin Note: Many sellers can apply these tips to their own categories and gain much. Thanks, to @mithunbaiju for a great post!

Hey, there!

If you are reading this, you are an amazing web designer and you help people to bring their dream websites online without charging them a fortune.

I have been a seller on fiverr for the last 2 years. I am humbled by many amazing people who believed in me and ordered my gigs.

Sometimes, life is not as easy as it looks. Things get rough. Clients become nightmare and some of them will even threaten you.

In these cases, you should follow these simple steps and save yourself a lot of trouble.


Client: Hi, I am impressed by your service and I am willing to order your gig. But before that I would like to talk to you over s***e or a phone call. If you can also give me your e-mail, that would be nice. I don’t like fiverr’s chat options, I will send my server details and everything via emails.

You: Hi, thanks for contacting me. I would love to work on your project. I think fiverr’s messaging system is efficient enough for us to touch bases with each other when needed. Unfortunately, it is against fiverr’s Terms Of Service to contact a seller of buyer outside of fiverr for any reason.


Client: hey, I will order the gig. But I want you to send me the mock-up of the design that you are going to use. Actually, I am talking to 3 other sellers on fiverr and I have to make sure that I hire the seller with the best design.

You: Thanks for the message. I understand what you are trying to imply. You can check out my profile to see my previous work or here are the links to the websites that I’ve designed.

Unfortunately, Designing a mockup takes some time. If you don’t order my gigs after I send you the mockup, all the efforts that I’ve put in designing the mock-up will go in vain.

It will be really nice if you could pay me $xyz for the design mock-up.

PS: Never send your design to your buyers unless they order your gig. Maybe they know how to design a website, they just need a layout or they are developers looking for inspiration. Your mock-up might be the one thing that they are looking for. They will never hire you.


Client: hey, I am not able to order the gig because my payment is not getting processed. Can you accept the money though direct paypal transaction? Or you can start working on the website and I will send you the money once it is over?

You: It’s against the TOS of fiverr to accept payments outside of fiverr. If fiverr finds out that I received payments from you through paypal or any external gateway, my account will be closed and I may have to start from scratch. You should contact fiverr’s support system and ask them to resolve this error.

Note: I have never faced a problem with fiverr’s payment solution. It works for me all the time. If someone is asking you to start working on their project without placing the order, they may never place the order and you will only waste your time working for them. It’s better to stay away from this client unless he/she places the order. Also, don’t accept payments outside of fiverr. I accepted one payment outside of fiverr, and believe me, it is not worth the time.


Client: I ordered the gig and you have done a great job. But when I hired someone else, he messed up the website and now I have a broken site. He also said that some of your codes were buggy. please resolve this error or I will contact the support.

You: Since another developer worked on your website, I am not responsible for anything he does. I delivered your website on time and everything was working as promised, The website was looking and functioning great. If my codes were buggy, it would have showed up on the front-end. Please contact the fiverr support team and address them with this issue. If you want me to work on the website, order my gig.

PS: Some people will try to squeeze you like a lemon. Don’t be intimidated with these threats.


Client: Hi, i love a website. I want to copy everything from the same website and upload it to my server. It should look identical.

You: Thanks for contacting me. i have reviewed your requirements. I would design a better layout for your website and make sure that it has more features than the one you’ve shown me. Let me know what you think.

Client: Sorry, but I want the exact same website. I will pay you anything you want.

You: Sorry, I can’t copy someone else’s work. It’s against the copyright laws.

PS: Never ever copy someone else’s design. It will lead you to great troubles. Most of these websites that your clients will show you, belong to powerful brands and agencies. They don’t want you to copy their design. They have paid more than $50,000 for the unique design. If they find out, they will come after you.


Client: My budget is tight. I will send your way more clients and you will make more money than anyone on fiverr. Please give me a cheap offer so that I can hire you. I want you to build me FACEBOOK like website for $5.

You: Sorry, $5 is the starting price. I will install the CMS on your server for that. If you want me to do anything else, you must order the gig extra or I could send you a custom offer with a fixed amount for this project.

PS: never work on a website for $5. You are a human being. You have got bills to pay. Believe me these clients will never send anyone your way. This “More clients” tactic is the oldest trick in the book. Don’t fall for that.


After placing the order, if a client is not submitting the details like the FTP login credentials or content for the website, wait for 2 - 5 days and mutually cancel the order. Maybe something happened with them or maybe they forgot about the whole fiverr thing. In either case, this one order will always stay in queue unless and until you cancel it. the funny part is that you won’t be able to deliver the work either because fiverr doesn’t allow delivery if the buyer hasn’t submitted the information.


Always keep the cool. Don’t get aggressive with the client. They are here to help you make some bucks. Don’t make them regret their decision of hiring you. If someone is really giving you a hard time or talking trash to you, you have the mutual cancellation system to save the day.


Once you decide that you have to charge someone $200, stick with this price unless the client wants something extra. If you think that he is asking for premium stuff that was not included in the $200 agreement, send him a custom order and ask him to pay for it.


If a client keeps requesting modification for no reason, cancel the order. They just want you to work for free. They think due to the review system, they will be able to make you do anything they want. Some people think they are really clever. Once I had an order that stayed their for 3 months and then finally, I had to remove all the codes and cancel the order.


That’s all for now.

I hope this helps you a bit.

Feel free to ask any question related to this article. Also, if you have any other tip, share it with me and other fiverr sellers.

Have a nice day.

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Guest ldonjibson

Thanks a lot bro this will surely help

Guest nahid21

Every point is very precious for me. I will apply this kind of conversation. Got some great idea how to mange a buyer.
Thanks a lot bro. 🙂

Guest coolmit

Great Points, certainly coming from experienced guy.

Anyone working online must have a thumb rule, NEVER EVER deliver work in advance on the promise of future payment or referrals. If your work is great, people will find you and good clients refer anyway so you don’t need to do any favours or free work for that.

I am not a seller here, I just purchase services but outside I have been burnt by a client for meagre hundreds of dollars who paid 8K in the previous month so no matter how trusted a client is, always take upfront payment and then deliver.


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