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Is this a sign of a SCAM BUYER


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I want to ask you people a question and want it answered very seriously as per your past experience if any.

One buyer ordered a gig (fairly big order) but today I saw that he has different name on the profile and a different name in my todo list (below the order). I am suspecting this client as a scammer because of other reasons as well. Following is the list:

In start his message came " How can you contact me by means other than fiverr" . I said that I will contact you only through fiverr and you will order on fiverr. NO OUTSIDE OFFERS
But he said that he is a new seller and doesn’t know how to buy on fiverr but I sent him some links to show how to order on fiverr. He successfully ordered but now his name on Profile is different from my to do list. I suspect some illegal stuff here.

Very sad that fiverr does’t support sellers in this regard. Atleast they should allow the seller’s past reviews for the buyers to be dispalyed on buyer’s Profile so that sellers have a good idea of buyer’s past record.

OR SOME OTHER FEATURE SHOULD BE INTRODUCED BY FIVERR. Help me people as the task buyer has asked for is a big one and I do not want to waste my time and moaning after the order is cancelled with a fiverr’s lame excuse.

“We are sorry .Order has to be cancelled because buyer was suspicious”

What about the hard work of a seller???


You need not to worry Ahmad. The buyer must have exhausted the fund in the first account, so he decided to use the fund from another account. I have experienced this from two different buyers. So…my dear, put your mind at rest and do a good job/work for the new buyer.

  • 4 years later...

“i wanna discuss with you” Then wants your paypal info, ss number, credit card info, everything you should never give anyone. How would anyone give this a second thought? It’s a scam attempt.


It’s a scam (and an obvious one at that); I’ve gotten many similar messages during this past year, always involving Upwork. Just report them.


Report this user to Customer Service. And NEVER agree to do any of this up work scam stuff. Many new sellers here get these emails en masse. Report them ALL! Before you report them though, you might want to just type a message back,“reported” so that your answer ratio does not get docked.



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