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I'm new! please help me to get first sale!

Guest graphic_lady

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Guest graphic_lady

Hi fiverr sellers. Hope you are doing well with fiverr. By the way I’m new to fiverr. Can you please help me to get first sale?
Thank you so much!


The forum has a lot of posts shared by a lot of awesome sellers, you will learn a lot. Just browse through the “Tips for Sellers” section. ’

This is a good post to start with:
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Before you post "How can I get sales? Please help!" Try reading this first. It...

Admin Note: Thread closed at request of post author but will remain available for reading. All sellers are strongly encouraged to read and use the tips within! ? I am aware that many new sellers post "I can't get sales, please help" almost...

Reading time: 11 mins ? Likes: 9 ❤

I checked your profile, I don’t think “You can try me ;)” sounds very professional. Perhaps you can rephrase that somehow. 🙂

Guest graphic_lady

Hi dear theratypist,
Thank you for the comment. Sorry about ‘‘you can try me’’ I’m new 🙂


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