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Tips for buyers looking for logos


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Really annoyed right now. The seller I worked with before isn’t available (which by far I think was one of the best here on Fiverr) so I ended up looking for new ones and just really disappointed with everything lately…complete waste of a lot of $$$ hahaha…

Anyway, tips for buyers looking for logo designs!





Hey, this is just a tip from personal experience. You’re free to base it on the gig samples. Maybe some of the sellers you want to work with don’t have the live portfolio turned on. I just shared what I thought, because I realized it’s nice to base the level of work seller can provide from actual delivered samples (those photos with reviews) and compare it with those in his gig samples (usually those in the first four pictures with no reviews)… You will know what I mean once you try getting disappointed after ordering gigs related to design. 😉

New update: (thank you @willpower_hk)

Try checking the first few gig images through a reverse image search to check if it’s original. You can do this by right clicking on the image and selecting “Copy image url” then you can use sites like tineye or imageraider. (Tineye is pretty quick with results but imageraider is much more detailed.) This will save you a lot of time with copyright infringement. You wouldn’t want to have a logo similar to some other company now do you? 😃


What if you’re hiring a level 1 with no reviews?

Recently I hired a t-shirt designer because his first picture matches with the kind of design I need. I also know that if I hate the work he does, I can demand a refund. I hope I don’t have to, I’m paying this person $15, but to be fair, his rates are fair. He’s not charging extra for color, $5 for the t-shirt, $5 for an extraordinary t-shirt, and $5 for the source file. I can work with that.


Reply to @fastcopywriter:
I’ll be more careful working with sellers with no review (i.e. the particular gig that has no review even if he/she is a Level 1 or 2 seller). Contacting the seller beforehand, and checking the uploaded first 3 samples with Google reverse image search and Tineye, for example, are something that I usually do.


Reply to @fastcopywriter: You do have a point and that’s another way to see it. 🙂 Maybe right now I’m just venting out of frustration and have not considered the whole bigger picture… hihihi. I will modify my post.

There are sellers who are true to their word that the stuff they post in their gig samples are really theirs… But to be honest, I’ve been browsing the logo gigs and a lot of them are really disappointing… And yes, someone here might comment “why didn’t you talk to the seller, etc2…” I don’t have much time to contact all the sellers, I just base it from their gig description, from their samples, the time of delivery… And I have the same copy pasted instructions for all of them.

I was kind of fine with the work provided by the few others, I gave them a good review, even if I didn’t completely go with it but they did the job in a presentable way and it gave me some good ideas so I was fine with it and well it was just $5 anyway…

What really just pulled my nerves, was this last one…(Level 2 Seller, lots of reviews) I said in the order page “Hey, I like how you did this logo in your gig image, can you do something similar in that style? I have a little additional ideas on how to do it posts other details

Okay, woohoo. Then seller delivered, I was just really annoyed when he said “I don’t have that design anymore… I can’t blah blah blah.” And what he delivered was seriously far from anything I ever said. As in nothing I said was seen on the logo design. And there were like less than 10 stuff in his queue. Is he really busy or does he not read the instructions? How can you not remember how you designed a gig sample if it was really yours? 😕

And someone else here might say, “Well don’t generalize all designers, just because of one bad experience.” Okay, I’m sorry if I made a generalization, it’s just a tip from personal experience. 🙂


Reply to @willpower_hk: hey thanks bringing the Tineye idea up. I think it’s something I should consider doing. 🙂

– Just really disappointed right now. When of course, I know I can be refunded if ever things go sour, I just get tired of wasting “time” when I thought the seller I was working with was reliable…


Im just starting out on fiverr but I’ve been a professional designer for some time and if I didn’t have a gallery that showed my work outside of fiverr then I would be up a creek honestly. I have some live samples now you can check out but if you are looking for a professionally designed logo I am an excellent designer and am willing to keep giving you revisions until you are happy!


Itse been advised on fiverr’s blog and multiple times on the forums to show your best work in in the portfolio samples.
I think many people have taken this too literally. I mean the art piece i considered my best work took me months to complete and i made mid 4 figures on that job, no way i would consider showing that piece of art in a portfolio where the base gig is 5$.

What you should show is the best work you can do in the time that you’re willing to spend on a base gig or with a gig extra listed in the description (preferably both).


Reply to @willpower_hk: I personally don’t like it when buyers contact me, and I’m sure other sellers don’t like it either. So don’t contact sellers unless they specifically ask to be contacted.

As for your comment, I guess I have a soft heart for people with no reviews. I started on Fiverr like everyone else, with no reviews.

I’ve never heard of Google reverse image search. How does that work? Do you upload an image or a link and then click search?


Reply to @theratypist: Your comments are totally valid, and I’ve had horrible experiences with writers that have no business writing.

Personally, I’m wary of people who overpromise. Anyone who promises to do the job in 12-hours or less raises red flags.

The problem is those Fiverr books, some of them are advising extremely dishonest practices. You have people buying logo generators and calling themselves graphic designers. Others buy text scramblers to “create” articles. Of course, the results are often bad, and they’ll get bad reviews sooner or later, or refunds.

Fiverr isn’t that different from the real world, the cream raises to the top, the crap is left behind.


Reply to @fastcopywriter:
Yes, I know every seller works differently, especially for busier sellers like you. I usually just order right away after I’ve thoroughly studied the reviews, portfolio, and gig description. But I’m talking about Level 1 sellers without lots of (or even no) sales in queue. I guess they don’t mind buyers contacting them beforehand. At least as a buyer I’ll feel safer doing so.

Of course we started as a new seller with no reviews. But I’m just thinking in a buyer’s point of view. New sellers probably need to work their way through.

For the Google reverse image search, exactly as you said. It’s useful for detecting scammers in logo design and video intro categories. Want to hear a story? A TRS’s gig using VideoHive (a video template marketplace) templates with 350+ sales has been taken down, just by using a simple Google revrese image search and firing a complaint to the 3rd party (Envato).


why do you think no review new comers are bad? i my self being a logo designer for 10 years i just came to experience fiverr its so fantastic. i know i will take some time to get a sale or two, but at times buyers can be annoying too. i used a service with many reviews a best seller but he cheated at the end, yes he refunded but the point is “The seller should understand the client” or should know the industries when it comes to designing. also you need to pick the correct seller when it comes to designing not all but some uses graphics from internet and sell back to us!

Good Luck!


Reply to @mssheriff: uhh I didn’t say anything about sellers with no reviews being bad? Were you offended? lol. Anyway, I was kind of venting out and giving tips. And I also made an update that this tip was based from personal experience not a generalization.

Anyway, I checked your gig image on your logo design through reverse image search… Seems to me that some part of your work came from the internet too. 🙂


Reply to @mssheriff: Yes, you should check your gig samples too. Because the image search shows results that some parts of your logo were copied from the internet too. lol. Not a smart move to post here… Now everyone knows…


Reply to @willpower_hk: hey thank you so much for sharing the tip on tineye. I’m having so much fun evaluating gigs now. I was impressed with this one logo from a designer (was browsing through his portfolio) and sadly it’s a very similar one to some other company. ohhhwelll… i wonder how that buyer will face the issue if ever copyright issues come up.


Reply to @mssheriff: I said some parts of your logo are copied. Did I say the logo was completely copied? I said “some parts” were copied. The longer you try to defend yourself the more people will be able to read this conversation… You can try to check your gig sample through a reverse image search and you will understand what I mean.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to copy some parts of a logo. (I don’t know how designers work or what’s completely legal or not…) I’m just saying. I don’t like getting logos that aren’t 100% original. That is all. And I’m sure many other buyers do not want getting logos that aren’t 100% original too.

And PLEASE do not continue messaging me through Fiverr trying to prove yourself. I will mark you as spam. We can have a conversation here.


Reply to @mssheriff: “some parts of the design were copied” I said some. So are you accepting the fact that some of your logos are “similar” to those found on the net? If you are a logo designer with 10+ years experience, you do know what a reverse image search is right?


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