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Order Delivery Reminder


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Sorry if there’s already a way to enable this, but I’d like to get an email notification reminding me that delivery for an order is due soon rather than getting one after it’s late. If we could set how soon, that’d be great! If not, maybe getting notification 24 hours before the expected delivery time would be a good start. This should be an OPT IN feature so sellers who don’t want the email reminder don’t have to get it.

In the time I’ve been on here, I haven’t run late on any orders, but the last few weeks, I’ve had to commute a lot for something unexpectedly (i.e. I get a message while asleep and have to head out immediately). When I’m out for that particular thing, I don’t have access to my workspace and can’t work on projects while I’m there even if I did.

I also don’t have internet or mobile access, so I’m not logging into Fiverr or any other websites for that matter. Only if I can catch a break somewhere that I have access for a second will I check email quickly and respond to what I can before I have to leave again. It got hectic with this happening back to back each day and I forgot about two orders. I didn’t even realize it until I got back from the last run and got an email notifying me that the orders were late.

It would be great to have the option of a reminder sent out before we’re late in case we forgot for whatever reason so that if we’re in a position to take care of it there and then or contact the buyer to make other arrangements, we can have that heads up. Even if you never need it, it’d be nice to have. Thanks!

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