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Payoneer Problem


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Okay so I saw the new Direct Deposit button on Fiverr and was intrested to learn about it. I made a Payoneer account and got approved for an account. So for some reason that I can’t remember I clicked the direct deposit button on Fiverr so my available funds transferred to Payoneer and I couldn’t stop it. So I was trying to withdraw the money from Payoneer and couldn’t figure it out. I emailed Customer Service and got this reply.

"Kindly be advised, you have applied for bank transfer to US bank account service and not for withdraw to bank service.

In order to apply for the withdraw to bank service you have to apply for a card and once you would load it from your Fiverr account you would be able to withdraw the funds from the card to your bank account.

The Bank transfer to US bank account service provide you with the option to transfer your funds from Fiverr directly to your bank account.

Please contact Fiverr for information on initiating payouts. Once we receive a transfer request, you will automatically receive an email confirming that a payment has been received by Payoneer, and is now being forwarded to the bank account you have selected. The amount, estimated date of arrival, and fee deducted, will be included.

Please note: The estimated date of arrival can take up to and including 5 business days for the payment to be received by your bank."

Can someone explain this to me? The transfer and withdrawl sound like the same thing to me.

And I have to email them again, because they forgot to tell me how to change my bank details.


Were you dealing with Payoneer Customer Service or Fiverr Customer Service?

From what you describe it sounds like you selected the option that is only for U.S. sellers as stated in the quote and link I’ll put below. Your profile shows that you are from the U.S. so that shouldn’t be an issue if your profile is correct. It sounds like they are saying you did not apply for the transfer of revenue to a bank account (non U.S.) but the direct deposit feature only for U.S. and perhaps the process isn’t complete yet. They show videos about both in a Fiverr blog entry so I’ll give you that link too.

From the forum:
“We’re now enabling sellers to withdraw Fiverr revenue directly to local bank accounts in local currency through Bank Transfer or, for U.S. Sellers, via Direct Deposit. - See more at: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/83430/announcing-a-new-way-to-withdraw-your-fiverr-earnings#sthash.fkvWmUj8.WZEZ973T.dpuf

The blog post with videos for U.S. and non U.S. sellers: http://blog.fiverr.com/announcing-a-new-way-to-withdraw-your-fiverr-earnings-2/


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