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Are logo templates TOS violations?

Guest blue993

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I am new to Fiverr and have noticed a ton of Sellers using logo templates from CM and other places? They however did not mention anything about a template or pre-made design in their description.

CM’s license state that a freelancer can purchase a logo template on behalf of a client and make the necessary changes. So if a Fiverr seller has purchased the license can they sell their services for editing the template on behalf of the client? Given that they let the client know a template was used and provides the client with the link of the template license ?


Technically it is both violations to Fiverr’s TOS as well as CreativeMarket’s (in case you don’t know what CM means) license terms, assuming the seller only buys ONE license for the product.

CreativeMarket’s license terms:
Logo templates are NOT installable items, and may only be used in ONE single commercial project with ONE license.

Fiverr’s TOS:
Gigs misleading to buyers, including violations of third party terms of service may be removed.

Of course, these are just technical and legal facts. In reality, it’s all about whether the third parties will take action. Amazon has taken down fake review gigs. VideoHive has started to notice improper use of the video templates’ licenses on Fiverr. But I doubt CreativeMarket is keen to search for its logo templates improperly used on Fiverr - unless someone complains to them.


What if the Seller buys multiple licenses for multiple clients? And what if the GIG is not misleading to buyers on fiverr (clearly mentioned)?

I am curious, what happens if a client specifically wants a template, then can a seller buy it on the client’s behalf?

And if its still a violation, I am shocked by the fact so many people are using them here on Fiverr!


blue993 said: What if the Seller buys multiple licenses for multiple clients?

Will they? Just compare the price of a single license of logo templates on CreativeMarket with the common gig price on Fiverr. I may be actually LOSING money when I use these templates for my clients on Fiverr, unless the clients pay for them.

blue993 said: And what if the GIG is not misleading to buyers on fiverr (clearly mentioned)?

Are you saying that the seller reveals to his clients that he's using logo templates, and is buying a license for each of his client, as well as supplying the license file and number in the delivery? Of course it's okay. I only doubt whether such an honest seller will earn any money (instead of losing some).

blue993 said: I am curious, what happens if a client specifically wants a template, then can a seller buy it on the client's behalf?

Either you on behalf of the client or the client himself can buy the template, as long as ONE license is used in ONE single commercial project.

blue993 said: And if its still a violation, I am shocked by the fact so many people are using them here on Fiverr!

Why are you shocked? How about all those FB likes, Twitter favorites, YouTube comments, Google +1, SoundCloud plays, VideoHive template videos, fake traffic, fake backlinks, useless social bookmarks, fake social marketing....? Probably you'll get more shocked when you explore Fiverr. Still, it's a great marketplace.


Thank you for clearing it out for me. I was also thinking about ordering a few video animation gigs. Will probably have to do a ton of research on the Seller before I order!

One last thing: Don’t these Sellers face any legal actions? I know their gigs get removed if they are reported. How on earth do they have the audacity to openly steal portfolio samples and clearly sell these templates.

I like making vintage logos and just started my gig but most of the sellers who sell vintage designs have portfolio samples from CM.

Thank you again!


Reply to @blue993:
Yes, researching before you order definitely helps. I’d recommend @dfenty for original flat animation design. Or you can buy a template, and order a Fiverr gig that helps you edit it.

We can’t control what people do. There are scammers and spammers each and every day. It takes lots of time and efforts for the 3rd parties to hunt down them. Fiverr is also quite passive in dealing with such things, though it has started improving recently - e.g. removing useless social media gigs from search results, taking down fake review gigs.

There are also stories on the Internet that professional designs shame some shady Fiverr sellers stealing others’ portfolio.

Still, I’d rather focus on my own gigs instead of worrying. There are way too many ignorant buyers. You can see that many buyers keep on wasting their money on useless SEO, traffic, backlink Fiverr gigs. Similarly, with such ignorance, they probably don’t care if the logo is a template - as long as it “looks good”.


Reply to @blue993: yes, but the general public buying logos has no idea whether something is from a template or not. The average new small business owner problaby has no idea what Adobe Illustrator software is.

And a majority do not care if their logos are from a template. They don’t know how to distinguish it, to them it looks great, better than anything they can do themselves. That is why so many sellers can sell logo design using templates.


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