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Using Different Types of Marketing To Your Advantage: Relationship Marketing

Guest seochick101

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Guest seochick101

I’m fairly new here on Fiverr, however, I’ve been in the internet marketing industry for the past five years now, as well as the sales and customer service industry for the past 8 years. Although I’m only one Fiverr day old and I have yet to reach my first sale, I figured I’d get myself on this forum and share a few things I know. Who knows, perhaps I could be of some help to someone, right?

Using Types Of Marketing To Your Advantage: Relationship Marketing

Now with there being a crazy amount of marketing tactics out there, one of my personal favorites is relationship marketing. This form of marketing does take time however, the end results are GOLD.

Aside from working over the internet over the years, I also work as a bartender - French 75, anyone? I see new and returning faces every single darn day. I’ll tell you right this moment that I can easily upsell my “regular” guests on just about anything, while my newer guests may not always jump right into buying some crazy drink creation that’s going to cost them $20. Why is this? Why is it that my “regulars” are so easily sold on what I want them to buy, while newer guests aren’t so easily sold on the same exact thing? Two words - Relationship Marketing.

I recently ran a small social experiment [if you will] covering this topic. I would show up to work, working the usual closing shift. Throughout the night I’d see familiar and unfamiliar faces stroll in for a cocktail. What stood out to me [in which I had loads of fun with] was that even before I’d have my “regular” on a “good one”, they’d come in and ask me what I had waiting for them. Meaning? They trusted me so much, they didn’t care what it was I was going to make them, nor did it matter the cost.

[Now, without saying too much, my bar leans more toward the “higher-end” bars - we sell $60 2oz. tequila shots, we’ll just put it that way…]

On the other hand, while I was selling crazy creations at $15-$20 a drink/shot to my “regular”, I found myself having to sort of “pitch” my newer guests on what they should get. Yeah, I found myself not only answering their questions like, “How much is THIS one?” as they pointed to some fruity cocktail in our menu, and, “Is it strong?” while pointing at another [kill me], I also found myself somehow trying to convince them that I wasn’t a crook attempting to rob them blind. Awkward, right?

Now this isn’t to say that every single interaction I had had the same results. Sometimes I’d get new comers instantly sold on what I wanted to create for them, while some of my regulars were solid on what they wanted, with no exceptions of being upsold on anything else. But the MAJORITY of my interactions played out the same way - I was able to easily sell a drink and even an appetizer to my guests who were already familiar with me. They trusted me, knowing my intentions were only to please them and contribute to their fun. My newer guests were a little cautious, as they DID NOT know me, DID not know my intentions and if I was really looking out for their best interest.

Another thing I took notice in was the amount of money I was making from people who I built relationships with over time. I recall some of my first encounters with some of them – many of these first time encounters resulted in perhaps only a few dollars in a tip (those of you who don’t know, tipped position employees literally live off of tips). Then in later encounters when I was able to recognize them and greet them with, “Hey! Welcome back! Grey Goose Martini, stirred, up, splash of lime, right?” That’s when I noticed the bigger “bucks” rolling in. I was no longer a stranger attempting to make a hustle out of these people. I became an acquaintance of theirs, which of whom they came to to have fun. Many of them would thank me and tell me that I wasn’t like other bartenders. They knew I was trying to make my money, but I was also honest, trust worthy and they knew that if something was expensive, it was worth it because I was a good person.

That’s when it was confirmed; although building relationships can take time, it also has more of a long-term result, overall. While I’ve built these relationships with numerous people, I’ve also built a foundation. I now have a strong and faithful clientele – I literally get people telling me they’d go wherever I go, if I one day were to not work where I do right now.

What does this have to do with Fiverr?

Well, in hopes that at least some of you have followed where I was going with this, you can apply this marketing tactic to your Fiverr business as well – let alone ANY business.

Sure, it might be a bit difficult at first to begin generating sales here on Fiverr, but once you do, if you commit yourself to pleasing your clients, not settling for anything less than 100% satisfaction, then you’ll surely be generating a pretty decent income. Those you build relationships with are likely to be returning consumers of yours – more money in your pocket down the line. Those you build relationships with are likely to not only be returning consumers, but they are also likely to refer your services to people they know, whom you may not know – yet.

This is when we fall into Referral Marketing.

Of course, I’ll touch base on that subject next time 😉

Thank you for reading, fellow Fiverrers! Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns!



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