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Just started at Fiverr = My Salvation


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Before you read. This is just a little story of my fiverr experience.

i’m Fernando, i’m from Venezuela, a really great country but really hard to live at.

Right now we have some of the lowest salaries in the WORLD. We are living right now (surviving) with salaries around $15 a month. I mean, we need to earn three months of salary just to buy some new shoes.

So, three months ago i found fiverr, and i made my first gig. It was like two or three weeks after my register, that i had my first sale. I was really excited! my first sale and with an extra! i was really happy, because just $8 would be some good extra money here in my country! My first buyer gave me a tip. Thats real happiness LOL.

After that i had like one or two orders each week, then i realize that i could make some good money on fiverr. I started to make some research at the blog, the forum and the fiverr academy, the week after that i had made 5 sales. In my past month i have made around 75$ on sales, and it is amazing money for my country economy.

Right now im just telling to all my friend about fiverr, so they can make some good money to (really, $100 a month in my country is a lot of money). I dont really have massive sales yet, but im working hard on it. This is just the start, and i just wanted to let you all know about my little story.

If you have a positive mind, you cant have a bad day. If you have a negative mind, you cant have a good day.

Thanks Fiverr!

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