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How much vacation time do I have left?


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I’ve searched the forums for this information without success, so I hope someone can help me. I’m trying to figure out how much vacation time I have left. I don’t remember how much I’ve previously used.

Does Fiverr supply us with that information?




You have as much vacation time as you want. Once you flip the switch, it goes until you come back. You don’t work for Fiverr, you work for yourself, so you set your own hours for better and for worse.


Reply to @jamesbulls: Hi James! I am honestly not sure if this is correct or not. I have seen posts from some time back that said when you hit 30 days, Vacation Mode greys out until…? I have seen more recent posts saying it had been changed to 60 days. I don’t know if any of this is factual, but I didn’t want to leave it hanging. It is possible that VM does have a finite period and even then, I am not sure whether that is a fiscal year or exactly what it is based on. I’ll see if I can get clarification.


Reply to @auraiyaits: What do you mean by this? For me, the profile only shows the vacation time that I personally set when I turned it on. It does not show the entire amount of vacation time Fiverr still has allotted for my year. If yours shows something different I would love to see a screen shot since I don’t want to turn on VM just to look. (VM has affected my place in search so I try to use it carefully.)


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