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Comment below if you'd like me to review your gigs [ARCHIVED]


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Hi there, all you need to do is comment below, and I’ll check all of you out, and give my honest and detailed opinion on your gig/product. If you would like to review mine back and let me in on some feedback as well, that would be awesome, but not needed 🙂

Please don’t post your links, just comments will be more than good.

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Reply to @kromer07theshow: I love that your video shows that you have a passion for horses. The only thing I would try to make better would be the video lighting. You give a good detailed explanation in your video on what your gig is about, which makes me believe that what you offer will have plenty of information and help anyone out. This is a very specific niche that I personally can’t relate with, but if anybody is interested in horse racing, this would be my go to guy. I would like, however, if you added even more description under your video with key points, as in what specific things you will cover.

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Reply to @slienhard: You seem to be very knowledgeable with your topic (video games), and have a good way with words. I would probably write your website as a link on your profile, so I could see some examples of your work/posts. Also, I think that an eye-catching cover photo for your gigs could benefit as well. For example, the video games photo could be taken with natural lighting instead of indoor yellow lights, because it makes it easier to see. 🙂 Also your other gig, with the purple writing, it’s a little hard to read at first glance unless I click on it. Overall, and other than those minor details, I really like your gigs! 🙂

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Reply to @ralucamath: I absolutely love the cute video you made for the translating gig, and the bloody intros for your other gig. The only thing I would change is add some periods and “consistent punctuation” in your translating gig. Some bullet points have periods, while others don’t. Also slight grammatical errors in english, but I’m guessing romanian is your primary language.
Example of your original: "I have DALF C1 Certificate in French, so I can say that I’ve a lot of experience. I’m a native Romanian. I made a lot of translations, especially for the children."
Example fixed : I have a DALF C1 Certificate in French, so I can say that I have a lot of experience. My native language is Romanian as well. I have made many translations, primarily working on childrens’ (texts, books, works, whatever the children’s thing is).

Overall though, really cute, only minor adjustments. 🙂

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