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How will you success for your every order!


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To success for your every sell you have to follow some important tips are:-

  1. You have to read the descriptions and understand fulfill, if you unable to understand any information from your buyer so don’t hesitate to ask to buyer, unless your hard work and design will unacceptable.
  2. You should cheek some work from google how the others seller done the related job which your buyer want? If your order become about design a logo please cheek some logo and which logo the buyer want such as vintage logo so search some vintage logo and do a design related that, hope you will success.
  3. Try to give the response quick after getting your order such as you say just “thanks for your order please give me your all design descriptions and some sample which you like to do.”
  4. Don’t delivery your designs source first time, first show your design screenshot to the buyer if like the design then delivery. or not like try to modify as like buyer want.
  5. Don’t copy pest from net and don’t copy others seller design.
  6. Before start your design please imagine some time what do you want to do and try to do a creative and exceptional design for your clients.
  7. And try to do your best for your buyer.

    Thanks all and if you found any false in my descriptions please let me know.

    And please comment if you have best idea to get success in every order,


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