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Funny Fiverr Stories- Share Your Story!


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I thought it would be nice to share any funny stories related to fiverr, that we have.

I will start with one of mine.

One day with no programmed orders (I deal with SEO and backlinks),just when I thought that I would have some free time to relax a little,BAM three orders came in the box.Nothing special about that.But just then,I saw that they were from different persons,but for the same niche with nearly the same keywords,all to be submitted and the killer thing was that all three of them purchased the express delivery.

I run the work for the three simultaneously to be in time.From the start it was so confusing because the gig >>

http://fiverr.com/kouklissa/submit-your-article-to-200-wiki-200-social-article-submissions-100-social-bookmarkscreate-rss-from-all-links-and-submit-it-to-yahoo-pipe << is about generating and article,spinning and submitting it to wikis and social networks.

This is done semi-automatically.I was writing an article about A and thinking about B.Something like that.I said "Noway.I must find a solution."Thankfully I have three pc’s.I put everyone of them to a different room,assigned everyone of them to a client and also named the room after the client’s name.I hope you are not confused ;😉 .

The funny about that was that when me or my husband were going to one room or another we said “I 'm going to mr xxxxxx” instead of let say the bedroom.By the way,my husband ahs nothing to do with “fiverr”,but still he called the rooms by the clients names.

The work was done and delivered successfully and guess what.We are still calling those rooms by those clients names.Maybe we should have delivered the rooms also to the clients?


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