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Kako zaraditi na Fiverr?


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Vrlo jednostavno. Napravi glupost i pametan će kupiti glupost za $5. U kako je pametan? Onda ce fiverr momcad uzet ti $1. Auuuuu? No da bi dostavio predmet onom pametnom negdje u svijetu trebam predhodno platiti dostavu npr putem FedEx, $100.


Zakljucak, ko mi je kriv sto se nisam rodio kao Židov i svojim rodjenjem zajebo svijet.

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Jos i komentar? Ajde, nada se da Angela Merkl nece uciniti pogresku kao njen predhodnik Adolf. Mada bi da se mene pita tipovao na Adolfa jel sa Merkel germansko pleme nece proci ko za vrijeme Adolfa. No ni Zidovi. Bude li ih , kooncetracijaski logori tek će biti mesnica a zidovi ce tu cijenu meca svesti na minimum pa ce na repertuaru za koser moci izbaciti Palestince a Hrvate npr. dobiti res pecene, aza prilog ovisi o ukusu no ajde npe Grke, Ciprane, …Engleze ?

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The first is Croatian & the second is Slovenian. According to Google Translator. Here is what it’s supposed to be. Possible spam. Difficult to say. It didn’t translate the whole thing.

Very simple. Make stupidity and folly smart will buy for $ 5 In that smart? Fiverr team will then take your $ 1 Auuuuu? But in order to send the case that smart somewhere in the world I previously paid delivery via FedEx for example, $ 100


Conclusion, so that I was wrong that I was born a Jew, and his birth screwed up world.

Jos i comment? Come on, continue to be Angela Merkle nece uciniti error kao its predecessor Adolf. Mada that would be me in the pie tipovao Adolf jel sa Merkel Germanic tribe nece away the facility while Adolf. Well no walls. Buddha li s, kooncetracijaski Logorama be run if the walls if a butcher here in price conscious calf to a minimum but if the repertuaru for Kosher power izbaciti Palestinians as a Croat. get really baked, aza attachments ovis of ukusu no buckwheat NPE Greeks, Ciprane, … Englishman?

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