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It's hard to get buyers, we know. But how do you get views!? [DUPLICATE/SIMILAR POST CLOSED]


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Hi fiverr,

I recently got back from a business trip that lasted 6 weeks. Since I was gone for so long, I changed my order turnaround time to 7 days. People said that would be better than turning vacation mode on. Sadly, it wasn’t. I’m looking for a way to get back into the game. I was going strong and on the upswing before I had to leave. Any suggestions to get more views? Sales would normally be the problem, but I would rather have more people looking at my page at the moment! I feel like it’s hard to get sales when you only average 10 views a day.

Check out my gig and let me know if you find areas I could improve upon.

Thank you so much fiverr community. You’re always there for me!


Sheriff’s Note: You posted a very similar post on July 1. You posted that one in a less suitable category as well and it was moved to Conversations. Please post in the most appropriate categories and do not put up duplicate or similar posts as that is considered spam. Your original post is here: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/71885/is-vacation-mode-better-than-changing-to-a-later-turnaround-time-heres-my-story


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