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First time buyer, worried


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I asked for a custom off of this model [fragglesrock]

She is late on delivery and not answering questions? her reviews are great! not sure what to do. I paid $35 for a five minute gig and so far nothing…


Sheriff’s Note: ‘Calling out’ of sellers or buyers is not permitted on the forum. Name has been removed


How late is she? If she doesn’t deliver within 24 hours after the original delivery time, and if she isn’t answering your messages, you can then cancel the order.

By the way, you are not supposed to call out sellers on the forum. (or buyers)



24 hours late. I am not calling out anyone. I mentioned her name as someone might know if there is an issue with that person, personal problems etc.


Mentioning a member name on this forum regardless of whether your intention is honorable or to embarrass them, is not allowed. If she is over 24 hours late, and does not correspond with you, cancel the order. You have that right.



"I mentioned her name as someone might know if there is an issue with that person, personal problems etc."

It was very nice of you to ask about her on the forum out of concern since she never responded to your order. That’s a first since usually people are trying to embarrass someone when they mention a seller who has not responded. What a nice change of pace!


Reply to @greg2052: you’d like it, as many buyers; unfortunately before you signed up in this site you should have read TOS… and this is really clear about refunded money becoming Fiverr credit…

From Fiverr TOS:

  • Fiverr does not refund payments made for cancelled orders back to your payment provider automatically. Funds from order cancellations are refunded to the buyer’s balance as credit and are available for future purchases on Fiverr.
  • If you have funds in your account balance, either from your Shopping or available Revenue balance, it will be automatically applied to your next purchase, but only in the event that your balance covers the entire purchase amount.
Guest webexpert1313

if services late delivery, not satisfied with work, seller not responding, In that case please ask for mutual cancellation for this order, if again seller create problems about refund, then you need to contact customer support team for resolving your issue.


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