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For orders that are awaiting requirements from your buyer for over 7 days, no matter which cancellation option you choose, it will have NO effect on your gig rating, seller rating or cancellation percentage.

If the order has any other status (in progress, late, etc.), then we’re back to the usual rules, mutual cancellations have no effect on rating but can effect Levels eligibility.

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Reply to @kevinwil: First of all I want to thank Fiverr team for this brand new feature that can make sellers life easier!!

Next I want you to understand a couple of problems:

  • while before we could eventually calculate cancellation percentage (100*cancelled/total), now we can not anymore because from cancelled we should subtract the ones that don’t count… impossible to track them… agree? 😉
  • we’re wondering from long time why mutual cancellations (or cancellations requested to Customer Support) due to the fact that buyer ordered by mistake or ordered something that gig’s description clearly states the seller can’t do, why they can affect Levels elegibility. You know many sellers are complaining about this, because we cannot do anything to prevent this buyers behaviour… is this something Fiverr team is considering?
mark74 said: - we're wondering from long time why mutual cancellations (or cancellations requested to Customer Support ) due to the fact that buyer ordered by mistake or ordered something that gig's description clearly states the seller can't do, why they can affect Levels elegibility. You know many sellers are complaining about this, because we cannot do anything to prevent this buyers behaviour... is this something Fiverr team is considering?


Couldn't express this problem better, mark! And I second to that - I've been telling the tech support about this problem for years, and still no implementation for this *actually big problem* :(


Reply to @madmoo: well, being a software developer, I needed to test it, it was stronger than me 😃

By the way, at least one had to test it and show everyone the results; it seems to me that discussion is “serious” now that we can talk having the eveidence 😉


Reply to @woofy31: Thanks! I have a lot of cancellations due to lack of instructions, ordered by mistake or ordered without reading my gig’s description and I’m pretty sure that this is preventing me (and will prevent me) to become a TRS; and worse, I’m scared that I can be demoted…

If these cancellations were deleted, my percentage would be close to zero!


Reply to @madmoo: I’m sure it will!! It did for me! You can see the difference if you place your mouse over cancelled order: it says “Cancelled by Seller”.

(How can I delete first image here?)


Reply to @oldbittygrandma: I can still remember my first forced cancel: it was a bright sunny day when I hit the force cancel button and was all happy for being able to get rid of my first weird buyer (who wasn’t properly responding to the instructions)… and then I found out that forced cancels are bad - yay happy day…


OK so I just checked it and it does show on your display but it doesn’t get factored into your Gig ratings or cancellation percentage.


Reply to @kevinwil: Either Fiverr shows us our current cancellation percentage on our dashboard, or this will lead to a great confusion IMHO ;(

What about some icon next to every cancelled order showing us if it is “counting” or not?


Reply to @oldbittygrandma: agree, good idea; naturally old cancelled orders should be automatically placed on the correct box 😉

This could be a good way to see how our mutual cancellations will be taken in account: I hope Fiverr would consider the fact that cancellations not depending from us would not affect our Levels eligibility.

Consider that I have 35 cancelled orders:

  • 11 were ordered by mistake
  • 07 were placed without reading my gig’s description, so asking services I can’t provide
  • 12 were placed without providing informations (and so they were not complete)

    So only 5 were asked from me (two because I was asked fake apps I didn’t want to develop)… but probably 35 are counting for my eligibility…


If someone (@kevinwil) can be please kind enough to explain to me the formula for calculating the number of cancelled gigs (mutual cancellations) before they start affecting seller’s level (if there is any such formula).

I am in a serious quandary here as i cancelled one order (mutual cancellation) explaining the buyer i don’t have expertise to write on the topic of their choice (i have exclusively mentioned on my gig that buyers please message me and discuss the contents of an essay before placing an order; this buyer did neither, directly placed an order). Now this buyer has placed another order stating the same old requirements and wants the same old essay to be written.

I am a bit afraid as to this particular buyer’s behavior, what if i keep cancelling and they keep placing the order 😦 

I have contacted Fiverr customer support, emailed them, tweeted them but to no avail. Any help would be hugely appreciated! Thank you so much 🙂 


Just a note on this, I was going through my “dead” orders and cancelling the REALLY old ones and writing updates on the new(ish) ones. I just got $40 that I was owed from previous videos, better late than never! Just remind them that they’ve already paid for the order so they might as well type something 😃 

I wrote “Hi there, you’ll need to type something for this order to process or your purchase will be stuck in limbo lol. Thanks :)” Feel free to use it, it worked 😃 


I’ve got a question about this. It may seem like a stupid question but do you think its a good idea to cancel incomplete orders. My reasoning here is this. I have had customers turn up after a month or two and fill in the info on incomplete orders before. Is there any benefit of doing this? Am I missing something here?


Thank you, thank you, thank you! :* I was getting depressed because of all the incomplete orders that I couldn’t cancel without bothering Customer Support! I hate having incomplete orders. It’s like having cookies without being able to eat them. I’d rather throw them away. 😃 This is great news!


Glad to see this thread and all of the great points of view offered by the more experienced sellers. Being that I just started, I haven’t yet had an issue with incomplete orders. However, after reading I have more of an idea of how to handle them when they do come up.

I would think that holding on to incomplete orders for a little while would be in a seller’s best interest. Perhaps give it 90 days or something, then if you haven’t received the info you’ve requested in your instructions you can determine whether you feel the need to cancel that order or not. Like @oldbittygrandma stated earlier, it would be nice to have that unexpected opportunity for money to come in after a little bit of waiting. Might even be useful for helping some sellers get through their dry seasons. Of course, it will take precise record-keeping. @madmoo brought up a good point earlier also. If the buyers for long-overdue incomplete orders decide to pop up out of nowhere and you’re on vacation or back in school or off on deployment, you risk being late to deliver and having orders cancelled by Customer Support - and very unhappy buyers. So if you’re going to consider keeping incompletely orders around for a while, it would probably be a good idea to keep a running tally of them (how long they’ve been inactive, date of last communication from buyer, record of any conversations etc.) and send communications to them at opportune times. Perhaps you could even offer them a bonus at different holidays or seasons if there is room to for what you’d be delivering.

Perhaps something like "Submit your details for this order within 5 days and receive “bonus X” or “2 for the price of one” or "one of my gig extras for free."

I realize others aren’t too happy not being reassured as to whether these cancellations do or don’t count against your total percentage. I am happy about the clock stopping after a mutual cancellation is proposed on express gigs. My first and only gig so far just went express, and I know I may have to request a mutual cancellation in the future. Nice to know that I won’t have to watch the clock run down while I wait to see if and how a buyer might respond to the request.

thanks for the great update.


This is awesome. I have a couple of incomplete orders and now I can cancel them without having any fears 🙂 Thank you very much Fiverr!!!

Guest tn5rr2012

This is awesome @kevinwil. I had several incomplete orders from January that I went ahead and requested a mutual cancellation (I hate forcing anything) … The funny thing is three orders the buyers never replied with information after repeated messages from me. So now I requested 3 mutual cancellations and I kid you not 1 of them was confirmed by the buyer within 10 minutes of my request. I wish I had money to throw away like some of the buyers we all encounter. Good job Fiverr and thanks for listening.

Guest ukhostmasters

This is an awesome option added by fiverr smart staff. everyone should use it for keeping the express badge attached for ever. Best wishes


@kevinwil, you said "mutual cancellations have no effect on rating but can effect Levels eligibility."

Sorry, I was told by customer support that the usual rule for mutual cancellation was that it would not affect your rating, but never knew that they can ruin your levels eligibility. They never mention that part, so I am glad you did and the customer support reps keep giving me the runaround on my eligibility to become a TRS. I do not have many mutual cancellations, but I do have some. Is this why? Since January, they keep telling me to request TRS every few weeks and then tell me to wait and ask again in a few weeks. That is really frustrating and disconcerting to me. I wish they would be more forthright to level 2 sellers and tell us why we are not TRS.


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