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How did you feel when u made your first $1000 on fiverr

Guest videoscribe4u

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Hi everyone,

We have made over $7,000.00 here on fiverr, the best thing is, we love to help customers get their advertising bugets under control. We create amazing radio ads for them, complete with script, voice, music and effects for just $5 bucks, we can also air the new ads on our radio show and all of our radio stations worldwide.

Its a cost effective way for anyone to get more customers, more sales and promote their company, products or sevices.

Fiverr is the best place to make money all while making new friends.

Check out all of our advertising gigs.

Thanks fiverr… You guys rock!


The gfsix radio show…


I started 4 years ago with one gig and here I am still with one gig more or less and on the verge of hitting 8K…

I usually cash in my fiverr income once a month…last month I broke the $300 Mark for the first time.

Now retired and the cash will pay for our annual wood stock and a couple of weekend breaks.

My advice pick something your good at and give great customer service.

All the best



Hi all,

Been on fiver since Dec. 2014. But I’ve not even hit the $500 target talk less of the $1,000. I really need customers to patronise me. Please, i’ll be glad to receive help from anyone willing to offer one.

Thanks, and congratulations to those who have attained the $1,000 target and beyond. Looking to get there soon.



It felt awesome! And here’s to the next thousand!

I take it one step at a time so there’s no pressure and I know I’ll get there surely albeit slowly.

Cheers to all! :=)


After two of my main freelance contracts expired I was effectively unemployed for three months and shortly ran out out of money after paying my taxes. I got behind on my rent and was scrounging for work anywhere I could find it. After spending two weeks negotiating a contract for a website for over two weeks, I had 24 hours to finish the site from scratch. I worked overnight and tore the cornea in my eye. The medical bills evaporated what I had earned. I had just started dating my (now wife) and I was effectively broke. I was a couple of months behind on my rent, and my cupboards were starting to get bare. I started looking for any kind of part time work that I could find and then turned to Fiverr as a last ditch effort to continue my career.

My gig exploded. I initially set the time to deliver as short as I could make it and orders began to stack up. I shortly racked up over $1000 on Fiverr, and began to get other illustration contracts from people who had seen my work on Fiverr and wanted me to do something larger. I was regularly working nearly 24/7 to make my delivery schedules. I felt like I was playing an MMORPG with real life consequences, and within 2 months of starting work on Fiverr, I had paid off my bills and began to be established in a more stable career.

For me, that first $1000 seemed the beginning of an opportunity to finally live my career.

Guest graphocs

Oh my Gog. These are wonderful testimonies of which i strongly believe, mine would be greater soonest. I am barely a month into Fiverr (the great visionary institution, empowering the world ) and have just click bellow $30. Fiverr forever.


Guest vinayghosh

Fiverr really helped me a lot, specially when I was going through a great financial crisis in my life. Earlier I was running a cyber cafe but I closed it because I was having many losses in my business. Then I listened about fiverr and started to write some articles with my gig. I am earning good on Fiverr and hope I’ll reach $10,000 mark soon. Thank you Fiverr for the support and help you have been providing me.


I have just finished reading right through all the comments shown above and have found them all enlightening and most enjoyable. I have only been with Fiver a short while and am pleased to be here but I have a real problem. I am a true lover of writing having done…Managerial Correspondence…Many pages and posts for my site, hospitalitycareerhints.com…I do a lot of editing and reworking of articles,blogs and other for many clients who just have trouble putting together fluent, flowing English. Many of these clients English is not their first language…I have also produced a modest e book based on my intriguing career in the Hospitality Industry in New Zealand and the Solomon Islands.

My problem is that outside offering to do various forms of writing I cannot come up with other ideas on what else to offer.

If others have been through this and can give any friendly advice it would be most appreciated,

Kindest regards to you all



It has always been an awesome experience to earn a lot. When I reached $1000 it was a great experience for me. I want to earn a lot more but nowadays, not getting much work. Do not why and what should I do

Please help


I have been a Fiverr seller since the fall of 2012, and really enjoyed reaching the $1000 mark. For me Fiverr is a fun way to earn extra income by doing something I never thought I could–writing query and cover letters for manuscripts (among others)! I will say that Fiverr is not a place where you earn the market rate for your work, but it’s enjoyable nonetheless, and my income is currently helping me save up to go back to grad school!

Guest csparks07

I am so excited to get to that mark in my work on Fiverr. I started my account a little under two weeks ago and have already made my first 100 dollars and have 5 repeat customers! It is addicting to get those five stars from happy customers who love my articles.


I’ve been with Fiverr for 13 months and made close to $1000. I started out data mining for people, but, discovered that I was spending hours just scrapping 1000 leads, so, I stopped that gig. It was when I switched to doing eDiscovery, I found that I could find ANYONE by using the internet. I’ve done some amazing things for people. I found someone with just a generic email address. Another person I found was with just a first name and a photo. Someone hired me to find the girl who sat next to him on a plane ride. I’ve found peoples birth parents and adult children that were given up to adoption. My specialty is finding deadbeat dads that owe back child support. I’ve found ex-wives and husbands, ex-girlfriends from peoples high school years. Complete background checks on people including their net worth, VIN numbers from their cars and all their relatives. I am a Google-Fu of eDiscovery.

Guest nhshapiro

I want to say I am close to hitting the $1,000 mark. My first Gig I had posted was for eBay store analysis, I got my first sale, and it felt great. My specialty is Google Analytics doing website analysis and reporting. Low Cost Analytics is my best gig with over 100 great reviews. I have been told I should charge more but when I look at my competition, I have kept everything at $5 with no charge for same day delivery when possible. I have repeat customers. I took it to the next level doing Facebook Insights Analysis. That gig has been slow but from what I can tell I am the only person on Fiverr who offers that service. I should be at $1000 soon. I just market my gigs on twitter to drive traffic.


I have been on Fiverr since November 2014 and have not got 100 much less 1000 so frustration is more my thing right now. Much congrats to you who don’t have that issue.

Guest antleroux

It is so encouraging to read all the positive comments. I have been on fiverr for about a week now and completed 4 gigs. Would really love to make a success of this, so if anyone can give me some advice on how to increase my sales, please do, I will appreciate that! Thanks! 🙂


Hi all!

I registered on Fiverr in December 2013 but never created a single gig. In March 2015 ! kick off my fear and created one. And within a week got my first order of $30 and to date I have made $1152. It was a great experience for me because I have never worked as freelancer and fiverr amazed me with results.

I also helped one of my friend and this Monday He will cash out his first $60.

I’m really thankful to Fiverr Team for this success and financial change in my life :x


Hello everyone,

$1000? I can’t even imagine. Definitely would be very excited. I am here on fiverr for more than 6 months and I have completed only 4 gigs, so I have made $16.

I offer great services related with Handwriting, and even giving free samples so the customer can insure the quality, the customers are keeping their fingers crossed and not order.

Maybe I need to change something in the gig… Advice from expert would be very welcome.

But anyway, looking forward to made those $1000.



Handwritten Solutions


It was a great experience when i reached 1000$ But now i don’t get sales at all… My new gigs are not seen enough if i am right… Not sure when will i make 10,000$… But i will keep trying.


Hello! Is the first time i write here.

It feel really AWESOME. I just reach my first $1000 yesterday, in a period of 2 months. It was crazy because i didn’t expect to have so many orders in a short time, around 130 orders and several of them were big orders. It was really hard to complete all the orders and even i had a bad review (sadly) because i didn’t deliver on time, that made me feel so bad but, I’m still receiving new orders, I’m learning and doing my best to make a great job working on fiverr.

I feel so happy because this is becoming my job, and maybe it could help me to pay my postgraduate studies. So, i’m working hard to reach to the $10,000 too! Hahaha.

Cheers for all 😃


Making my first $1000 was great. I have just achieved $15,000 in just under 2 years. I intend to expand. I do this in under 30 minutes a day. I can’t wait to expand my reach on here. It is a great service and I cannot tell you how many people I have recommended to sign up. And, they all love it. I love every time an order comes in. This service is one of the big reasons I was able to quit my regular job to do voiceovers full time. Fiverr ROCKS!!


And also i have to say another story. I created this account about 11 months ago i think. I created a gig and i received 8 orders in 2 days, but i just delivered one because we had a problem here in my country, riots and a lot of things, and because of that we had REALLY big problems with internet, so i couldn’t deliver the rest of the orders and actually i even couldn’t to write something to those customers. So I had those 7 orders cancelled because of the inactivity and fiverr quenched my account. I feel so sad for this and i decided to not reactivated the account again.

On november 2014, i made a decision to study a animation postgraduate in another country (i can’t make it here) and i decided to save money but that’s REALLY hard here because our currency worth nothing, seriously, we had a terrible and constant devaluation here, so two months ago i decided to try again and i reactivated my account and create 2 gigs, and, as i said before, i reached my first $1000 yesterday and i feel really happy because of that.


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