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Gig cancelled after have been waiting for the entire estimated time for the job to be clompleted

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So, I have been trying to get some work done on a website and I had two people that they quoted me and accepted the job. Then after few days they have requested the cancellation. I would like to suggest that a Seller should be charged when they accept the job and then fail to deliver completely (One of them did not even start working on it- The second one gave up) and actually request cancellation. I have waisted 10 days all up behind two sellers that they initially said: Job it’s easy, will do it in just few days and then they change their mind and they can easily drop the gig without consequences. I think that some penalty charges will make a seller think twice before accepting a job/project. This is just a suggestion as I feel it will improve the Buyer satisfaction and increase the confidence and trust in hiring someone through Fiverr. Hope you guys consider this advice. Cheers

nb: if you guys know a reliable Wordpress developer for some customisation work please let me know as I am still looking for one.


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