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Would You Buy a Guide That Shows You Step-by-Step How To Get Levels Quickly?


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Hey fellow fiverr sellers,

Just a quick question to gauge interest on a new fiverr gig that would show you how to get to level 1 and level 2 within the minimum amount of time that you can do it in? You know that as a level 1 or level 2, your potential for making more money goes up exponentially right?


If I was selling a guide that holds your hand and shows you how I reached Level 1 & Level 2 seller, not once but twice! Would you honestly pay $5 for that kind of information?

Why Am I So Special?

I don’t ride the short bus, but I do have my moments of stupidity. OK, so I don’t mean special as in stupid, I mean special as in what makes me think I can teach you how to do this? Why am I so sure my guide would help?

Easy, when I created my account last year I got to Level 1 seller within the minimum 30 days wait. Then, I got to Level 2 within the 60 day minimum wait. It’s not that easy, as you probably know, you also need to get 50 orders within 60 days to get that Level 2 as soon as it’s available to you. Any longer, you are just losing money by leaving it on the table.

What Happened?

Not trying to bum you out, but let’s just say Cancer showed up and I lost my last parent to the battle and a bunch of my orders got cancelled, people were angry and my ratings went down to a paltry 71% - yes I lost all my levels and all my sales as well, my account just died along with my father (sorry but that’s what happened). It took a while to get out of my funk / depression and get back on my feet.

Honesty Prevails!

I could have cheated by creating a new account and starting fresh, but that’s against fiverr’s terms of service. So I did what any honest seller would do and tried to work my way back up and I did it. If you look at my rating right now as of this writing, I have gone from 71% to my now 93% positive rating. The best part is that I am now back to my Level 2 seller rating and wondering if I will ever see the day where they make me a Top Rated Seller, but I can only wish and wait while working away and over delivering my gigs to all new customers.


I have made Level and Level 2 seller twice now and in no time flat so I know how the system works and I have learned lots of tricks over the last year of being a seller. My more than 12 support tickets to the help desk have also provided many bits of information that I use when creating and updating all my gigs.

Since I’ve done it twice, I know what fiverr needs and how the system works, without cheating it! That’s the key point here, there are no tricks or illegal methods, just real information that works and has worked 2 times for me already. I am willing to bet it is harder to get sales when your rating is 73% vs. a new seller with no rating and nothing to lose - the fact that I still managed to generate sales with 73% rating and no Levels must mean I was doing something right all along…

I tend to talk a lot and that’s another good point. If you think I’ve created a wall of text just talking about my gig, can you imagine what I am going to put for actual information? Figure it would take a few days to write and edit it ready for release. If I get at least 10 people willing to commit buying a copy ahead of time, I will publish the gig and start writing the book.

Thanks for reading my post,


aka MrBargain

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Hi Stefan,

I think it’s possible and likely that you would get 10 sales of that gig, but probably not from regular forum users. I say this because even in my relatively short time participating in the forum I’ve seen 2 things. One is that there’s a lot of Fiverr users who don’t participate in the forums. The other is that if you do participate you can get a ton of great information including how to level quickly, how to boost sales, how and where to promote yourself. The active Fiverr community is a wealth of information and helpful tips. That is one of the reasons I love it here!

But… as I mentioned before it seems that there’s a lot of users who aren’t on the forum and might need some help. If they are here they are just lurking about.

I would think that marketing that idea outside of Fiverr, on blogs or fb friends, etc. could have the potential to make a good buck. If it was presented as a “insiders guide to Fiverr sales” kinda thing or something of that nature then you could not only attract sellers who are looking to boost sales but also attract people who haven’t yet signed up and are looking for a way to make a couple bucks freelancing. I think it has potential if it’s presented in the right way.

I’m curious to see how that would do and wish you well if you decide to do it! By the way if you use the “insiders guide…” title I want a cut. 😉 j/k. Wait, how about “Five me two times?” or “Take the err? out of Fiverr.” Oooh… “Decoding the Fiverr Formula!” I like that one the best.

Good wishes,


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Brian, I love how your mind works, very similar to mine before it was clouded with well never mind that…

To be fair I actually wrote ‘Insider’ and then deleted it because I feel an insider would be someone that worked for fiverr, then quit or better yet got fired and wrote in insider guide… where I’m more of a ‘Decoding the Fiverr Formula’ kinda guy! Love it, love it, love it!

I’ve collected one of your gigs to say thank you - may it bring you more sales for having done your good deed for the day.

Thanks for your time,


aka MrBargain

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Brian, I love how your mind works, very similar to mine before it was clouded with well never mind that…

To be fair I actually wrote ‘Insider’ and then deleted it because I feel an insider would be someone that worked for fiverr, then quit or better yet got fired and wrote in insider guide… where I’m more of a ‘Decoding the Fiverr Formula’ kinda guy! Love it, love it, love it!

I’ve collected one of your gigs to say thank you - may it bring you more sales for having done your good deed for the day.

Thanks for your time,


aka MrBargain

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