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What happened to the five dollars gig?


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I’ve only been selling on fiverr for 3 or some months but i have been a buyer for longer and i feel as though something happend to the basic nature of fiverr and thats the 5$ gig.

I have had more then many occasions in which the seller came up with a reason he can’t do the gig or even just plainly told me he or she won’t do it and asked for a mutual cancellation.

As a seller i think we must respect our basic gigs and deliver them as if they were 40-50 or 100$ gigs!

It is your first connection with the seller and sometimes it’s his first connection with the fiverr market and we really want him get a nice first experience, make him wanna come again and again.

Just my thoughts.

good night



Yes, something has happened to the nature of the $5 gig. It doesn’t exist anymore. It used to be you could get some fun things for $5. But now that people do it as a hard core business, are you going to work for $5 per hour? Of course not, most people won’t. And I think what has happened is buyers think they can get way more work than is acceptable for a $5 basic gig.

Sellers saying they simply cannot do it for no good reason, well, I would ask you what kind of gigs are you buying? And are you just asking for the very basic gig or expecting extra? And are you paying attnetion to the number of orders int he queu when you place your order? Some sellers are busy and if they get a few orders for gigs that request 1 day delivery, well, obviously they probably cannot do them all so have to cancel some.


Reply to @sincere18: I get a lot of $5 orders and I love them. I don’t work an hour on them, though. Those are usually 10-15 minute gigs and they are my favorites since they are usually regular buyers and I can knock them out. I am sure there are still quite a few sellers that do and like those kind of gigs. I know you are a buyer only so it may not make as much sense. Many new sellers will also do an hour of work or more for $5 to get established, but I can see why they wouldn’t do that long term. For most people it wouldn’t make sense even as a hobby.

The rest I agree with you on, though, if the buyer has too-high expectations they are going to get lots of cancel requests.


I think it’s up to the seller to make sure his description says EXACTLY what he or she will give for 5$ and also we have to look at it as a way to get that customer in the future as well, not to mention a way to get good reviews.

All of the sellers start with 5$ gigs, if you want to give an hour for ir or 15 minutes is up to you but you better deliver what you promise so a person knows he can browse gigs and order without contacting the seller.

I honestly think the nature of Fiverr is the fact that you can do a search and order a gig without thinking too much. of course i don’t expect fireworks for 5$ but if you wrote you will design a logo or anything else for that basic gig you better own up to it.



Inflation, I guess.

I’ve heard more and more people say recently, “it’s not worth the effort for 5 bucks”. Looks like that mentality is growing.


The $5 gig is still there. It is required by Fiverr for all sellers to offer a basic $5 gig. What has changed is Fiverr and the market.

Blaming sellers is not accurate. If the market says I can get $25 for certain amount of work, I’m going to structure my basic $5 gig so it offers less than the $25 value. So as long as buyers are willing to pay $25, it is the buyers who set the pricing, not the seller. If all my buyers stop buying my $25 gig guess what, I would have to structure my $5 gig to give more for the money. But that is not the case, I’m getting all the $25 and above orders than I can handle.

So it is the buyers, not the sellers, who set the price. Your best bet for a cheap price is to look at newbies in the market who are trying to get established.

Otherwise, the market says, “hey if you don’t like what Fiverr is offering, you are welcome to shop elsewhere” but again, that is not the case. Fiverr is as vibrant and as busy as it has ever been.

The market is working as it should. Otherwise, say la vee

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