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Academic Fraud

Guest reinier01

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Guest reinier01

Good day!

How often does it happen that buyers request sellers on Fiverr to take their exams for them? This is not idle curiosity; I do astronomy related gigs and in the few weeks since I have been a member, I have had multiple requests from people wanting me to take exams on their behalf. Just this morning I had another request in which the byuer offered to give me his logon details so I could take his exam on his behalf.

What is Fiverr’s official position on this type of request- can this type of buyer be reported, and what are the results likely to be? More to the point though, why do people take subjects such as astronomy if they are not prepared, willing, or able to answer the questions themselves?


@reinier01, I completely hear you and couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, the issue with plagiarism in academia is so rampant that not only is Fiverr awash with these requests, but so is every other source of freelancing across the web in general. I’ve been disappointed to inadvertently learn so much of the lingo about this world just from reading Buyer’s Requests - people who want something edited to make it “copyscape safe” - i.e. so it’s no longer as clear that it’s plagiarized, etc.

But the truth is, if you try to approach these people, or even spend time being upset about it, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed. My best advice is to ignore Buyers like this and let someone else deal with them. I’m a firm believer that what goes around comes around in life, and I think that sooner or later, people who cheat will ultimately have their behavior catch up with them.

Guest reinier01


You are right about the issue being rampant- I work on several other sites as well but on some of them at least, people try to be not so blatant about it. But as you say, what goes around comes around, which I hope in this case in this case, results in the person failing his course.


Personally I find it to be distasteful that anyone would ask someone to do their homework for them. That’s why my gigs state that I will not do anyone’s homework for them. As a college student who works hard and tries to do the right thing for his education I highly dislike it.

Guest reinier01


I have now changed my astronomy gigs to state that I will not take anybody’s exams for them. I agree with you that this type of thing is distasteful, but I would like to add that it is illegal as well, at least in South Africa, but I would imagine the same to be true for most countries.


Sometimes students ask me to write a video script for them, it’s to be a part of their presentation or something. I’m not sure whether it’s legal in America, but I don’t feel comfortable doing a part of someone’s homework (or, in one case, a part of a capstone project) even when these students tell me they’re allowed to contact professionals if they choose to, so I always refuse.


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