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The new " My Contacts" feature on Fiverr is here!


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As you all might have seen there is a new feature introduced here on Fiverr and this means you can see how much your buyer has spent during a certain period of time (including also your own revenues that you received from that particular buyer)

Also new is the option to have a list of buyers where you can easily send custom offers and messages.

What I am really missing is the option to send messages to multiple buyers, for instance if you have a discount on your services or just like to contact your buyers to see how they are doing, and so on…

When you click on " My Contacts" there will appear a pop-up where you can send feedback to Fiverr, so they can improve the new feature or maybe add some new things.

What are your thoughts on this new feature? and is it helpful ?

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@Kate It’s marked Contacts when you are in your Inbox (AKA Conversations which is a silly name for an inbox.)

In general I think there are more important features requested in the suggestion box, but I guess this feature is OK. Spammers will love it. I’m not too sure buyers are going to love it.

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I dont like the idea of getting custom offers unless i ask for them and thus as a seller i wouldn’t expect my buyers to like it either.

If there was an option where you can choose if sellers should be able to send you offers or not then i would consider using the feature.

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Has anyone else’s given incorrect amounts of money spent? I had one buyer with 2 orders, 1 order for $15 and another for $30. Both have been completed and under my contacts for this buyer it says 2 orders $75… I also had another person who ordered a $10 and it says 1 gig $15.

Has anyone else had something similar happen? Is it just a glitch because it’s a newer feature or am I magically getting more money? Probably the first one but the second would be great.

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Reply to @emilyh22: Yep, mine is doing exactly that. Hopefully it’s just a glitch…but why even bother having that column if the information isn’t going to be correct? I love Fiverr and everything, but I’d much prefer to have features that work correctly rather than just new features for the heck of having something new.

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