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Fiverr level problem


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I am level 2 seller on fiverr, but last 1 month it seems a cow/ship image under my profile name, what is mean by that, can anyone know that? is it harmful for my account, i have already loss my sell on fiverr, my all gig impression are going down day by day, actually i didn’t understand what i need to do, can anyone help me please.

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Ok, so this is the third time I’ve seen this recently so now I actually have to ask… I saw another thread where someone said they saw a cow ship, and then another person in the same thread repeated cow ship. I commented with a smile because I assumed it was just a language thing or a typo and they meant cow/sheep not cow ship. There is a green animal that appears by your name on the forum when you are not leveled yet, and it can take hours to days to months for Fiverr to update it on the forum. For that matter, if you change your profile picture, you’ll be lucky if it ever shows up on the forum.

Seeing cow/ship again, though I have to ask - was I right that this was a typo or are people actually seeing something different than what I am seeing? Is it just a green animal (supposed to be a sheep but looks like a cow or a sheep to many) or is there something else you are seeing there?

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Reply to @fonthaunt: Are you sure they were different users? I saw the cow/ships too and was starting to wonder the same as you, but I didn’t bother to double-check usernames (and I sure as heck don’t care enough to see if they’re bogus accounts) 🙂 .

I’m seeing the usual sheep (that resembles a cow).

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Here is the thing, and I noticed this on a few other posts where sellers say they moved up to the next level, where people say their sales go down.

There are two things that seem to be consistent, one is that suddenly the seller has added several new gigs. I wonder how that effects your account and how you come up in searches with so much new stuff.

The other thing I have noticed is that when sellers move up a level, they don’t always do anything to make their gig any better. Now you are competing with different sellers at a higher level so you need to really make your gig stand out even more.

So maybe look at those things. As for the cow/ship, I do not see any logo on your profile other than the award seller icon thing.

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