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Flakey Sellers on Fiver


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@ califgetaway: calling out other site users is against TOS

@dkven00: sellers are penalized in more ways than one with it come to not doing as they advertise on their own gigs. Loss of revenue and customers is very much like a penalty. If this is habit forming for the sellers you go to that promise to deliver an end product but bail without a reason leave a review informing other buyers about it – this would mean letting them keep the delivered funds.

Hope this snafu doesn’t deter you from looking into other sellers on the site.

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As long as we can do the same thing to buyers. Buyers always want it one way. They want to punish sellers but I have news for you - there are just as many, if not more, irresponsible buyers on Fiverr as well. I spend my life at times trying to get buyers to respond to my messages but once they order, many disappear.

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