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What's an ebook promotion gig that really delivers?


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Hello, I just had a very good experience Im trying to spread the word about- I did a gig with: https://www.fiverr.com/bknights/promote-and-market-your-self-published-kindle-book-to-4800-active-kindle-readers-on-my-facebook-page-during-your-promo-or-marketing-period?funnel=3cb2467e-404c-4ad5-8ee4-033d4061bfb3

It was for my free promo time but I am trying it durring my 99 cent launch today and again during regular price launch. Anyway, the day before the gig I had 80 downloads the day of his gig I had almost 400! the next day 170. I have seen a lot of good posts around the internet about that gig as well. Here is a screenshot- unfortunately I didnt do it at the end of the night - but you get the idea. This also launched me into #1 in three different categories- I am in a small niche. Good luck! Hope you try it!

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