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How to make a better impression on page visitors?


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Well, I thought my page was pretty well set up. And I think my gig pages are pretty nicely organized and to the point. I think I provide some good services, yet still have troubles selling gigs.

I got a tip from someone that I should have a video of me explaining, instead of just audio and a picture even though I just do voice overs. I am considering it, but would like more opinions on if this is actually helpful.

Also, I’m seeing a recurring thing; my last 3 buyers were all people who were obviously looking to sell my voice-over to other company to make more profit. I’m not sure if this is a problem, or if I should not think anything of it.

People also always want so much for only 5 dollars, the last buyer asked for 5 revisions; and ultimately made my sync it with the video without my gig extra.

Anyway, I would love if someone could take a quick look at my page or one of my gigs and tell if if there is anything noticeably bad; or if they have any ideas on what I could change to get a better impression on the buyer.

my conversion rate is currently .7 , which is very bad from what I understand.

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Hi @brotheron!

I just took a quick peek at your gigs. Overall, I must say that I think they look great. The descriptions are good, and your product looks wonderful. I have a few thoughts about small tweaks you might make - feel free to shoot me a message outside the Forum if you’d like to chat more about that.

A few overall thoughts, also

  1. It’s wonderful that you offer free 24-hr express delivery, but I’m mixed on whether or not to tell you to take that away as standard and offer it as an “extra.” I’m not sure that it will “make it or break it” for buyers, since if they’re on your gig, they’re already looking for something unique. If it won’t make the difference of making the sale, then you might as well save it as an extra so you can make some additional $$!

  2. It sounds like you’ve had to deal with a few unpleasant Buyers, which can really leave a bad taste when working here. I’m going to be publishing a separate post in the next few days all about signs and clues to look out for in the beginning to avoid bad Buyers. It’s unfortunately a necessary evil to protect yourself here.

  3. The conversion rate of 0.7 isn’t too bad! I wouldn’t let that get you down. Instead I’d focus on ways to get the word out to even more Buyers.

    Again, feel free to shoot me a message outside the Forum if you want to chat more. Hope this helps!

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