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Reccurring Payments Would be tubular

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I really like this idea! I have a few buyers who order from me on a regular basis and they have, more than a few times, forgotten to come back and order again until it’s too late for me to be able to do anything for them. If they were able to automatically place an order on the first of every month (or whatever date) so they were always guaranteed time on my schedule, I’m sure more than a few buyers would take the opportunity.

Obviously, there would be some drawbacks–like, a buyer could book you up for a year in advance if he was really pleased with your work and wanted to lock you down for the foreseeable future…but I guess he could do that anyway if he was proactive about returning on a regular basis to buy your gig. By “book you up,” I mean buy enough gigs that you don’t have time to take on any more work and have to suspend your gigs or go on “vacation” to prevent more orders.

A couple weeks ago, another user suggested having a levels system for buyers–this could be an interesting addition to that idea. For example, this feature would only be available once the buyer has reached the highest level…I don’t know. But a cool idea!

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Reply to @emasonwrites: I am one of those who suggested a Levels system for buyers. I also do blog writing so I am one of many who have repeat buyers that either forget to re-order or remember at the last second and try to pile on 3-4 orders fast. I think your idea to include a subscription (maybe limited?) but only for experienced buyers is a really interesting idea!

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Reply to @fonthaunt: Yes! I really like that you called it a subscription–that’s a great way to frame the whole idea. For sellers like you and me, it would make it easy to fit those regular clients in, without having to shuffle your entire schedule if they forget. I mean, depending on the client, I’m usually willing to try and make something work, but for me to know that a buyer is going to have six orders the first week of every month or w/e, instead of assume and then save time that I’m not actually going to get paid for, etc., etc.

Maybe if this idea could somehow be implemented even without your buyer levels idea (though, that would be a good way to do it, especially for businesses that outsource through Fiverr–there’d be a huge impetus to climb those levels, so they’d have priority access to their favorite sellers), it could be based off of how many times someone has purchased from you in the past, i.e. a buyer would have to complete three successful orders before they could subscribe to you. Now I’m just rambling, but yeah. I have enough buyers that want ongoing content but sometimes fail to come back and place an order in a timely manner that this idea is very appealing.

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Reply to @antoinedon: If it was that easy a lot of ideas that were mentioned over and over before these would already be in use. The mighty dollar and sometimes the muse of Chaos speak to Fiverr rather loudly as well. Still, we’ve seen other good ideas that they did put to work, so it doesn’t hurt to keep speaking up!

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