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Are you doing any easter specials?


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Last christmas we struck Fiverr-gold with our christmas video of Elvis breaking through a snowman and now we are trying to recreate that success with this easter-vid of Elvis, breaking through a bunny.


Are you doing any fun special gigs for easter?

We tried to do a nice Valentine video but it really didn’t sell that much, is it just christmas people send cat greetings for?

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I think you have to consider what holidays people are most likely to send e-cards for, and then craft the video to cater that that group. Lots and lots of people send Christmas cards and now many do it by e-card instead of mail. To make it more fun I could see those buyers loving the idea of a cute Christmas video so maybe that is why the gig did well.

I think Valentines was another good choice since lots of people send e-cards to their significant others to impress them or be romantic. I didn’t see your gig, though, so I don’t know if you targeted a group that would be right for that type of sale.

I suspect that the big choices for e-cards are Christmas, New Year’s, Valentines, Birthdays, Anniversary’s and anything else that people typically also buy paper cards for. For the smaller holidays like St. Patricks and Easter I would cater more to the business/blog crowd and do videos they can post on their sites for customers/readers. Not as many individuals send each other cards for the small holidays.

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I did well with Christmas and Valentines, I got a few sales for St.Patrick’s, but not that much.

I guess compared to Christmas St.Patrick’s isn’t that popular, and I’m not really sure about

Easter either…but I will still create one. 🙂

Time to pull out my colored paper and scissors and create Easter eggs!

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