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Gig4gig ... g4g ... and my first gig!


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Hi all,

May I say how proud I am to have just joined the Fiverr selling community.

I have started 2 gigs. The first as an English tutor ESL, and the second for proofreading ESL related work such as lesson plans, speeches, homework, diaries, academic journal entries everything and everything.

I feel so ready to work my butt off and I cannot wait for the feeling if and when I recieve my first sale.

ANYWAY enough of the self-marketing πŸ˜›






I added something at the end of my Gig and I intend to do it on every one I post.


or g4g.

The purpose being that if someone blesses me with a sale and I have the fortune to need their gig in the future I will go straight to them and in some small matter of principle will hope to repay the kindness. and when searching for a gig will at least check if any of my past custom can fit the bill.

Maybe it will kick off??

gig4gig everyone. Spread it round!




Wishful thinking. Since you are brand new it may be an alright idea to do a gig trade or something just to get yourself off the ground., but this business of saying β€œbuy my gig and if i ever need your service in future, ill come to you for it…” is a serious cop out. Nothing concrete n it for the other party.


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