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How to make the best transactions on Fiverr?


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Hi, all.

Looking at this site from a buyer’s perspective, it can be pretty confusing about how to make things go as well and smoothly as possible from this side. Could you offer hints as to what would make life easier for you as a seller?

(Let’s assume for the moment that any buyer reading this thread wants the transaction to go well for both parties. The scammers and sleazebags aren’t going to be interested, right?)

For example, there’s the question of whether or not to contact a seller before placing an order. When dealing with a gig that clearly says “Please contact me before ordering”, it’s the proverbial no-brainer. For the others, it would look to me as though contacting the seller would be a nuisance to him or her. Each message they answer takes time away from other activities.

Other examples of things that are not particularly clear to buyers are feedback and modification requests. For public feedback, for example, do you prefer to be addressed directly or referred to in third person? Or do you care, as long as the feedback is good? How much detail is useful?

These might sound like stupid questions, but we buyers aren’t always familiar with the ins and outs of your side of the business, and also I doubt that any of us re-read the ToS every time we come here. ( grumbles about the thing changing between two purchases in the same week…without notification of any kind until I was already paying for the gig )



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Hi. Great questions but wrong category. The Chit Chat forum or even the FAQ forum would be best for this question. The Tips for Buyers and Tips for Sellers forums are for offering help and providing advice to other buyers and sellers It gets messy, and a little confusing, but we need your help to keep the forums clean. You can review the user Do’s and Dont’s at the top of the forum before posting. And good luck!

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