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Enhancement Request: My Project Code Field


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It would be great if you could add a small entry field to a gig ordered that would allow me to track my projects.

Just a three to five character field in which I could add my own tracking number and have it display on the list of gigs I have ordered.

I’m often working on a couple of projects at once and order a number of gigs from the same seller or even multiple sellers. When I view my gigs, I have no way of telling which gig is for which project and have to click back and forth on the gigs to find my particular project. At the very least, add a ‘gig number’ to the screen so I can track… As you can see from the attached image I have orders but no way of tracking which order is from which project!

Allowing me to enter a project code for my gig would be REALLY helpful! A slight database change, adding one small field to the gig table and a change to perhaps two screens would likely do the trick!

Thanks for considering this!

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