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60 days and level 2 lessons learned


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I know fiverr has received a lot of new sellers of late. Heck I am one of them. I joined Dec 22, 2014 and bought a gig.

Afterwords I decided to create some myself. I started with a review gig which was successful from the start. However, due to miss understanding what was appropriate and what wasn’t I lost that gig due to dealing with Amazon reviews.

I got level 2 in 60 days and want to share what I have learned with the dos and the don’t. Below I will give my 10 lessons learned from both personal experiences and that of others.

Lesson 1:

Do not, I repeat do NOT try to set up a gig that violates the TOS of another third party site. Though fiverr offers many freedoms they will pull your gig for violating a TOS from another company or site. (Chance of losing your fiverr account also.)

Lesson 2:

Do not over qualify yourself when creating a gig. If you can’t or won’t do something then indicate it in the gig description. If someone orders a gig and expects something you don’t do or lack the know how to do, then let them know. Don’t be afraid to do a mutual cancelations with them. Though mutual cancelations don’t hurt much, too many will cost you business and possible level loss.

Lesson 3:

Don’t be discouraged. Sometimes buyers expect more work for the price you offer.

If you have a $5 gig and a buyer keeps wanting modifications and drags it out, do it. If you have gig extras for what they are trying to get from you, don’t be afraid to point it out to them respectfully and tactful. Sometimes buyers don’t realize it’s more and will be willing to upgrade the order.

Lesson 4:

Trust your resources. Learn more to use the forums and find answers to your problems, and if it’s not there make a new post and get mostly valuable information from other sellers who have been there dealing with your situation or might have great in site to it.

Lesson 5:

Make your account 100% complete. Add security questions, put your pay pal in, link your Facebook Gplus and email. Too many posts are here regarding accounts being hacked, fishing links going to sellers, money loss etc… prevent this with fiverr security measures.

Lesson 6:

Enjoy what you do. We all get buyers who give us a run for the work and we scramble to get the job right in fear of hurting our ratings. STOP. Do the work as if it’s a $100 piece of work due to showing you have quality and pride in what you do. Sometimes you will get a repeat customer and or word of mouth about their praise for the work you do. Yes some buyers don’t leave feedback that’s fine, remind them with a friendly note after completion. And if you get negative feedback contact them to see what you can do to get them to change it. Going that extra mile speaks loud to most buyers.

Lesson 7:

Don’t moan and groan when you feel customer support hasn’t responded to you on an issue. They have a lot on their plate and will eventually get to you. If it’s been a couple days and an issue is not resolved send them an update on your ticket. Ask if they had a chance yet to view your issue. You’d be surprised that you will get some sort of response. Good or bad you will know they do care about you.

Lesson 8:

Stack your money before withdrawing it. Example: PayPal takes $1.00 per transaction. So withdraw in larger increments and you will save money for when you need it most.

Lesson 9:

Being late isn’t always bad as long as your buyer knows and is updated frequently with statuses. Buyers understand somethings may take longer then expected when they order. Especially as in my case waiting on an item for a review. Be warned though going late for too long will allow buyers to cancel without it being a mutual cancelation and severely drop your ratings.

Lesson 10:

Consider your fellow sellers. If you get a message requesting something you don’t know how, referring the buyer to another seller is great. Especially if you know their work is good. Shoot them a message and let them know to be expecting the buyer. This not only shows we work together but builds your network. Fiverr is a community and we as sellers from it one way or the other.

This is just ten of many lessons I have learned since joining. I learn more every day and help where I can. Share your experiences here if you want and let’s learn together.

This concludes how I got level 2 in 60 days!

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One other thing, Don’t put yourself as being better then others on fiverr just because you want sells. It not only makes you look foolish, but discourages buyers from even trying to use your services.

This can also sway potential buyers away from fiverr all together.

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The TOS is there for guidance on what you can and can not do, use it to find some answers when needed. Answers to common questions can be covered there. (common questions regarding communications with buyers and information). These are covered in the basics section as well.

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