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Does anybody know how to use a credit card instead of going through Paypal?


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you can get your own fiverr affiliated debit card from payoneer, You will find the registration link on the revenue page, You can submit an application and you will receive your debit card within a month, depending on your country. Dont forget there are charges for cash withdrawal from the card, You will find those information on the revenue page, cheers

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I believe the only two options you have with Fiverr to access your funds is to use PayPal or their affiliated Fiverr Card.

If you live in a country where PayPal is not supported, then the Fiverr Card is definitely the way (if only way) to go. I prefer using PayPal because there are few fees associated with it.

Here’s a link to another thread on the forum that compares PayPal and the Fiverr card:


Hope that helps!

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