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Sellers : What do you do about incomplete orders?


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Guys what do you do when I buyer wont respond to your instructions ? I have 2 incomplete orders which are pending in my “active orders” grid since forever.


I leave the orders for a week or two to see if the buyer will come back and then contact support to have them removed if they don’t. There’s no point in keeping hold of them but by cancelling the buyer can get his/her money back.


I started a post on this: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/493/fake-orders#Item_13.

I’m having your same problem and I really don’t understand why this happens; I can think about a kind of spam? Either way, I think those orders should not be refunded: if you buy some bread from baker, get home and realize after two weeks you did not want that bread, well. ask the baker to refund you… what does he answer you?

Seriously: it takes too much time to us sellers and to support for four dollars…

What do you think?


I agree with you Mark. If they buy and don’t reply to the instructions in a reasonable amount of time (a week? Two?) then it should be given to the seller.

I actually had this happen for a ‘tip’ gig I have a while back before I realized I could have the gig listed without requiring instructions. So that gig just sat there until I had customer service refund it…Lost out on a $4 tip. 😦


Guest tn5rr2012

I wait a bit and send them several msgs, if still no repsonse I request a cancellation through customer support right when I am getting ready to deliver some completed orders (hopefully off setting each other)


I immediately message them and let them know I need their instructions to fulfill the order and usually I get a response the same day or next day. I’ve never had a problem with them going longer.


I am stuck with 4 such gigs now which are just lying there since 1-2 months now ! I guess I will have to just ask support to cancel them and refund to buyer 😦 Its sad though… coz I dont understand it at all. Phew! Oh well, a few cancellations in a pile of orders is generally understandable when there is an issue or disagreement with buyers - but this is plain weird!


I usually get it when buyers are ordering multiple gigs. They often order one too many but I don’t think they realise what they have done. I don’t agree with keeping the money - no-one wins that way and it’s not the same ask buying bread from a bakers. Online selling has completely different rules and there is a longer cancellation time - for both seller and buyer.


True… Infact, there is no option to keep the money - for obvious reasons - You haven’t done the job, you cant be expected to get paid for it. The same way when you DO the job and expect to be paid always 🙂


Reply to @mark74:

Agree with you mark71…even supporting and asking again and again to buyer to complete order is more worth than $4. So I would love to have some method introduce by fiverr as if buyer does not answering your request to complete your order, the money should be add up to seller’s revenue automatically after a certain period of time.


ask the CS to cancel that order, i had 4 buyer with this situation, and before it takes effect for my rating… i ask and tell the reason why you want to CS to cancel that order…aaaaaandd… tadaaaaaaa… they cancel it, and your rating still 100%. and 2 days after, the same buyer order again… just told based of my experience

PS: Sorry for my bad english :DD


Reply to @linkwheel_links: Why should a seller get the money when they haven’t done the work they said they would do? That opens up a problem for buyers to complain that their money is being taken unfairly and Fiverr will be done for fraud and theft. Buyers can genuinely accidentally order and then may be away while trying to contact them. Yes, it can be a pain but taking their money without doing the work isn’t the best way to go about it.


I actually have one right now. This happens a lot. It has been almost two weeks. I just messaged the buyer for the third time. If I don’t get a response, I will contact Fiverr support and ask to have the order cancelled. Often times messaging the buyer will get some kind of response whether it be the instructions you need or an explanation of a mistaken order.

Guest tn5rr2012

I have thought about these phantom orders and I am wondering if credit card thieves are using fiverr to verify a valid credit card, They like to verify with small amounts at first before they sell the card numbers on the blackmarket or even go crazy themselves


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