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Please reccommend a seller who promotes gigs


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I’m looking on some advice/recommendations for a seller who will promote my gigs. I don’t have a lot of traffic to my gigs but the few that I have, I have sold 5 gigs. I’m wondering if I (someone) promote my gigs I will get more traffic and sales. I don’t have any social medias so that option is out. I’m willing to pay, but I’m wondering if any of you have used someone you can recommend that actually advertised your gigs and it worked. That someone has to be in the US. I don’t want my gigs being advertised somewhere else. I live in the US, work in the US, and will only mail to the US.

Any help??!

Thanks in advance.

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Reply to @dukanu: You defend his gig like it would be yours. Anyway, I’m not interested in what difficulties you have in relationships with other people to understand them (I didn’t accused anybody, I just wrote that ordering his gig is a waste of money, while everybody can get more tips for free here, on forum).

Most people order from Fiverr like sheeps if for a gig are existing 2 factors: the seller is a TRS + the gig has positive reviews.

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